

From Mahara Wiki

(Redirected from Developer Area/Specifications in Development)

This section contains proposals for changes to Mahara that the team is tracking. They should all also have a corresponding wishlist item on the bug and wishlist item tracker. The wiki pages provide more information and the possibility to discuss the individual items more easily than on Launchpad.

What might be coming to Mahara

The Mahara project does not have a set roadmap for each release as that depends largely on features that the community implements and those that are being funded to implement, e.g. via a Mahara support company. Nevertheless, the Mahara release team at Catalyst has some items that it wishes to take a closer look for upcoming releases. You can view these items in the table below.

The items are listed more or less according to priority. Some items are fairly small whereas others are large pieces of work that may need to be split up over several releases once the specifications are clearer. The effort that is displayed is just an indication as the eventual implementation may be larger or smaller depending on the finalized specifications.

The list was inspired by the existing Mahara wishlist and the Blue sky thinking.

If you wish to contribute to funding any of these features, please let us know.

Features Comments Projected effort
TinyMCE button for embedding iframes small
Default skins medium
Skin previewer Switch between skins and quickly preview your page with the skin medium
Rethinking groupings of pages and collection organisation for yourself as well as grouping of pages for others to see huge
Reduce number of clicks ongoing
Etherpad functionality i.e. editing text collaboratively simultaneously medium
Make the end-rendered Mahara pages prettier so that they don't look so blocky see specifications medium
“Like” button for pages medium
journal entry prompts to facilitate scaffolding medium
Export pages and collections on all levels i.e. group, institution, site and not only individual portfolio pages / collections small
Forum posts by email Moodle got it in 2.8 medium
AJAX preloading pages i.e. make front-end faster
Config file generator for easier way of setting up Mahara
Tag recommendations tag recommendations based on what's on your page big to huge
performance profiling Nigel already started on that
More authentication plugins see Janrain plugin; need to be able to limit e.g. GoogleApps domain (maybe)
SmartEvidence to support rubrics / multiple levels see specifications big


Not done



The list here contains a lot of items from above, and a bit of consolidation is still needed.

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