

From Mahara Wiki

Revision as of 10:52, 24 November 2011 by Francois (talk | contribs) (clarify licensing related stuff)

These are the templates for all new PHP files. There is a different template depending on whether you file is able to be publicly hittable or not.

This project uses PHPDoc for API documentation. This project is also licensed under the GPL, which causes some header bloat (it is a requirement of licensing your program under the GPL, see ).

Template for files you expect to be hit by visitors

  * Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking
  * Copyright (C) 2011 Copyright Holder
  * (rest of the GPL statement)
  * @package    mahara
  * @subpackage core or plugintype/pluginname
  * @author     Firstname Lastname

 define('INTERNAL', 1);

 // Your code here :)

Template for files you do NOT want to be hit by visitors

  * Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking
  * Copyright (C) 2011 Copyright Holder
  * (rest of the GPL statement)
  * @package    mahara
  * @subpackage core or plugintype/pluginname
  * @author     Firstname Lastname

 defined('INTERNAL') || die();

 // Your code here :)


  • Omit the closing php tag "?>"
  • Catalyst employees should assign copyright to "Catalyst IT Ltd", if they are working on the project in company time.
  • The author field should always be a person (or more than one), not a company