
Difference between revisions of "Mahara日本語ドキュメント/基本PHPファイルテンプレート"

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< Mahara日本語ドキュメント
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* 作者 (author) フィールドには、会社ではなく、常に人 (1名または複数名) を指定してください。
* 作者 (author) フィールドには、会社ではなく、常に人 (1名または複数名) を指定してください。
== Sample page using pieforms and dwoo ==
== pieformsおよびdwooを使用したサンプルページ ==
<source lang="php" enclose="div">
<source lang="php" enclose="div">

Revision as of 18:32, 10 March 2016

再作成中です - mits (talk)


このプロジェクトでは、APIドキュメントにPHPDocsを使用します。また、このプロジェクトはGPLとして許諾され、結果としてヘッダには特定の文言が含まれます (あなたのプログラムがGPLとして許諾されるためには、この文言が必要です。詳細はをご覧ください)。


  * Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking
  * Copyright (C) 2011 Copyright Holder
  * (rest of the GPL statement)
  * @package    mahara
  * @subpackage core or plugintype/pluginname
  * @author     Firstname Lastname

 define('INTERNAL', 1);

 // ここにあなたのコードを記述します :)


  * Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking
  * Copyright (C) 2011 Copyright Holder
  * (rest of the GPL statement)
  * @package    mahara
  * @subpackage core or plugintype/pluginname
  * @author     Firstname Lastname

 defined('INTERNAL') || die();

 // ここにあなたのコードを記述します :)


  • php閉じタグ "?>" は入れないでください。
  • 勤務時間にプロジェクトの作業を実施した場合、Catalyst社員は著作権表示 "Catalyst IT Ltd" を追加してください。
  • 作者 (author) フィールドには、会社ではなく、常に人 (1名または複数名) を指定してください。



define('INTERNAL', 1);

// Get data from the user by using the param_ functions, which will whitelist
// the input
$userint = param_integer('int',0);
// If none of the whitelisting options is acceptable, you can use param_variable,
// but be careful not to print the results to the screen without cleaning them
// first. That's a XSS vulnerability.
$userraw = param_variable('raw', 'no user input provided');

// Generate page content
// NOTE: Normally you should put hard-coded strings into a lang file under /lang, so that
// they can be internationalized with get_string()
$hardcoded = "This is a hard-coded string";

// See
// Normally you'd populate the default values with values from the DB
$form = array(
    'name' => 'testform',
    'method' => 'post',
    'action' => "", // self
    'successcallback' => 'testform_submit', // defaults to name_submit
    'validatecallback' => 'testform_validate', // defaults to name_validate
    'elements' => array(
        'fullname' => array(
            'type' => 'fieldset',
            'legend' => "Your name", // should use get_string()...
            'elements' => array(
                'firstname' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'title' => "First name", // should use get_string()
                    'description' => "Your first, or given name", // get_string()
                    'help' => "Surely you know your own first name.", // get_string()
                    'defaultvalue' => 'Joe',
                    'rules' => array(
                        'required' => true
                'lastname' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'title' => "Last name", // get_string()
                    'defaultvalue' => 'Schmoe',
                    'description' => "Your last, or family name", // get_string()
        'submitbtn' => array(
            'type' => 'submit',
            'value' => "Submit" // get_string()

function testform_validate(Pieform $form, $values) {
    if (isset($values['lastname']) && $values['firstname'] == 'Joe' && $values['lastname'] == 'Schmoe') {
        $form->set_error('lastname', "That's not your real name! That was the default."); // get_string()

function testform_submit(Pieform $form, $values) {
    global $SESSION;
    // Normally here you would save the submitted values into the database

    // If you set this up as a JS form, use json_reply()
    if (!empty($values['lastname'])) {
        $name = "{$values['firstname']} {$values['lastname']}";
    } else {
        $name = $values['firstname'];
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg("Kia ora, {$name}!");
    redirect(get_config('wwwroot') . 'test.php');

// When you call pieform(), the Pieforms library does a bunch of automagical stuff.
// It checks whether the form was submitted, and if so calls the form's validate
// and/or submit callback functions, which usually results in a call to redirect(), ending
// the page load.
// If the form wasn't yet submitted, then pieform() renders the form into the necessary
// HTML to print it on the page.
// IMPORTANT: all pieform rendering needs to happen before calling smarty() for javascript
// to be added to the page correctly
$formhtml = pieform($form);

// Instantiate the smarty object.
$smarty = smarty();
// Variables you assign to the smarty become accessible in the template
$smarty->assign('hard_coded', $hardcoded);
$smarty->assign('user_raw', $userraw);

$smarty->assign('form', $formhtml);

// Specify the template file path, relative to htdocs/theme/raw/templates/

The contents of htdocs/theme/raw/templates/test.tpl should look like this:

{include file="header.tpl"}
<!-- Stuff in here is HTML except for the bits in curly braces -->

<!-- All variables printed here are run through an HTML escaping process, unless
they have the "|safe" tag. -->

<!-- Uncleaned user data shouldn't be considered safe -->

<!-- Any function in the calling PHP file's namespace can be invoked by adding
it after a "|" in the curly brackets -->

<!-- The output from pieform() is the HTML output of the form. So you can just print it. -->
{include file="footer.tpl"}