
Testing Area/Behat Testing/Setup

From Mahara Wiki

< Testing Area‎ | Behat Testing
Note: These instructions for the Behat setup are only for machines running Linux. They will not work for Windows machines.

1. Set up your developer environment if you haven't already done so.

2. Install Behat's dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install curl openjdk-7-jre-headless

3. Add the following config settings to the bottom of your Mahara config.php file inside the htdocs/ subdirectory of the Mahara codebase.

Note: If /var/www/maharadata is not where you created your dataroot, you'll need to replace that with the correct path in the following commands
// Behat config
$cfg->behat_dbprefix = 'behat_'; // must not empty
$cfg->behat_dataroot = "/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat"; // Behat's copy of maharadata
$cfg->behat_wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8000'; // Must be this
$cfg->behat_selenium2 = ""; // Must be this
Note: There should be a behat_dataroot for each Mahara instance that you set up. Here the one for the master branch / this Mahara instance is created.
Note: If the directory for $cfg->behat_dataroot does not exist then it will need to be created.

4. Make your Behat data directory (check this matches what you set in config.php):

$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat

5. Make the directory and any subdirectories writeable by Mahara (check this is correct):

$ sudo chmod 777 -R /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat

6. Change the directory and any subdirectories permissions to be owned by apache user (check this is correct):

$ sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat
  • For Ubuntu, apache runs with user www-data
  • For Centos, apache runs with user apache

7. Run Behat tests (change into your Mahara code directory first) as the apache user:

$ cd
$ cd code/mahara
./test/behat/ run

Or if you have sudo access:

$ cd
$ cd code/mahara
sudo -u www-data ./test/behat/ run

For the first time of running Behat, you need to wait for the Behat environment initialisation. This can take a while.

To run all tests:

./test/behat/ run

To run your specific tests marked with @yourtags:

./test/behat/ run @yourtags

To run a particular feature file:

./test/behat/ run my_file.feature

The run / runheadless / rundebug / rundebugheadless / runfresh are interchangable with run in above commands

How to Run Mahara behat test on Chrome

Note: Mahara behat is running on chrome driver by default in 17:04+

This is steps for older versions of Mahara

1. Download chromedriver here ( download the latest release)

2. Start selenium Server with chrome driver

$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar of chromedriver

3. Change the behat.yml file as follows,

Here is the file path var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat.yml

when you open the beaht.yml file replace the following code with the lines that contain sessions to goutte=NUll( Niranjan or Lovesh can exactly tell you where to replcae the code if it is confusing) and save it

javascript_session: selenium2

          browser: chrome
           goutte: ~

4. Run the behat test without rundebug

for example ./test/behat/ run example.feature

Steps for creating a html report and a screenshot for behat tests

1- Install BehatHtmlFormatterPlugin

This is from Open your /mahara/external/composer.json and add the following line in the "require" block:

 "emuse/behat-html-formatter": ">=0.1",

(you don't need the trailing comma if it's the last requirement.)

Then navigate to your code checkout in a terminal and run

 make initcomposer

Check the /mahara/external/vendor folder and you should see a subfolder called emuse. If not, look for and try to resolve any composer errors.

2- Edit your behat.yml to use the html formatter

You'll find the behat.yml file in your behat dataroot. If you're not sure where that is, look in your config.php file (/mahara/htdocs/config.php). In my case it says

 $cfg->behat_dataroot = "/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat"; 

So, my behat.yml will be in var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/behat.yml

You'll need to add two things to the file. Under formatters add the html output path for the report like this:

     output_path: %paths.base%/results/html/

So after a test run your html report will be found here: your behat_dataroot/behat/results/html/my_report.html (NB: I'm thinking about making this simpler so there are less nested folders.)

Then, under extensions, add the following settings for the HTML report, making sure the line beginning 'emuse...' is indented to the same level as Behat\MinkExtension.

     name: html
     renderer: Twig,Behat2
     file_name: index
     print_args: true
     print_outp: true
     loop_break: true  

Here the filename is index, meaning that the report file will be called index.html and overwritten after every test run. If you leave out the file_name line here, the default will prevail, which is that every test run will produce two separate reports, Twig_date/time and Behat2_datetime. (NB: Useful to look into producing a combined report with a unique name for each test run?)

It should look like the below code(copied my yml file for reference)


   - /home/niranjanbandi/code/mahara/htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/classes
     output_path: %paths.base%/results/html/
     base_url: 'http://localhost:8000'
     files_path: /home/niranjanbandi/code/mahara/test/behat/upload_files
     javascript_session: selenium2
       browser: chrome
     goutte: ~
     name: html
     renderer: Twig,Behat2
     file_name: index
     print_args: true
     print_outp: true
     loop_break: true
       - /home/loveshjain/code/mahara/test/behat/features
       - BehatMaharaCoreContext
       - BehatHooks
       - BehatGeneral
       - BehatNavigation
       - BehatView
       - BehatDataGenerators
       - BehatAccount
       - BehatAdmin
       - BehatForms
       tags: '@core'

3- Change code/mahara/test/behat/

you can copy paste the below code with the existing code

  1. !/bin/bash
  1. Get action and Mahara dir

ACTION=$1 SCRIPTPATH=`readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"` MAHARAROOT=`dirname $( dirname $( dirname "$SCRIPTPATH" ))` SERVER=0 test -z $SELENIUM_PORT && export SELENIUM_PORT=4400 test -z $PHP_PORT && export PHP_PORT=8000 test -z $XVFB_PORT && export XVFB_PORT=10

echo "S: $SELENIUM_PORT" echo "P: $PHP_PORT"

  1. Wait and check if the selenium server is running in maximum 15 seconds

function is_selenium_running {

   for i in `seq 1 15`; do
       sleep 1
       res=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://localhost:${SELENIUM_PORT}/wd/hub/status)
       if [ $res == "200" ]; then
           return 0;
   return 1;


function cleanup {

   echo "Shutdown Selenium"
   curl -o /dev/null --silent http://localhost:${SELENIUM_PORT}/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer
   if $SERVER 
       echo "Shutdown PHP server"
       kill $SERVER
   if $1 
       exit $1
       exit 255
   echo "Disable behat test environment"
   php htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/cli/util.php -d


  1. Check we are not running as root for some weird reason

if "$USER" = "root" then

   echo "This script should not be run as root"
   exit 1



  1. Trap errors so we can cleanup

trap cleanup ERR trap cleanup INT

if [ "$ACTION" = "action" ] then

   # Wrap the util.php script
   php htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/cli/util.php --$PERFORM

elif [ "$ACTION" = "run" -o "$ACTION" = "runheadless" -o "$ACTION" = "rundebug" -o "$ACTION" = "runfresh" -o $ACTION = 'rundebugheadless' ] then

   if $2 == @* ; then
       echo "Only run tests with the tag: $TAGS"
   elif [ $2 ]; then
       if $2 == */* ; then
           FEATURE=`find test/behat/features -name $2 | head -n 1`
       echo "Only run tests in file: $FEATURE"
       echo "Run all tests"
   if [ "$ACTION" = "runfresh" ]
       echo "Drop the old test site if exist"
       php htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/cli/util.php --drop
   # Initialise the test site for behat (database, dataroot, behat yml config)
   php htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/cli/init.php
   # Run the Behat tests themselves (after any intial setup)
   if is_selenium_running; then
       echo "Selenium is running"
       echo "Start Selenium..."
       # If no Selenium installed, download it
       if [ ! -f $SELENIUM_PATH ]; then
           echo "Downloading Selenium..."
           echo "Downloaded"
       if [ $ACTION = 'runheadless' -o $ACTION = 'rundebugheadless' ]
           # we want to run selenium headless on a different display - this allows for that ;)
           echo "Starting Xvfb ..."
           Xvfb :${XVFB_PORT} -ac > /tmp/xvfb.log 2>&1 & echo "PID [$!]"
           DISPLAY=:${XVFB_PORT} nohup java -jar $SELENIUM_PATH -port ${SELENIUM_PORT} > /tmp/selenium.log 2>&1 & echo $!
           java -jar $SELENIUM_PATH -port ${SELENIUM_PORT} &> /tmp/selenium.log &
       if is_selenium_running; then
           echo "Selenium started"
       echo "Selenium started lovesh"    
           echo "Selenium can't be started"
           exit 1
   echo "Start PHP server"
   php --server localhost:${PHP_PORT} --docroot $MAHARAROOT/htdocs &> /tmp/php.log &
   BEHATCONFIGFILE=`php htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/cli/util.php --config`
   echo "Run Behat..."

   if [ $ACTION = 'rundebug' -o $ACTION = 'rundebugheadless' ]
       OPTIONS=$OPTIONS"--format=pretty --format=html"
       OPTIONS=$OPTIONS" --format=pretty --format=html"        
   if [ "$TAGS" ]; then
       OPTIONS=$OPTIONS" --tags "$TAGS
   elif [ "$FEATURE" ]; then
   echo "=================================================="
   echo ./external/vendor/bin/behat --config $BEHATCONFIGFILE $OPTIONS
   ./external/vendor/bin/behat --config $BEHATCONFIGFILE $OPTIONS
   echo "=================================================="
   echo "Shutdown"
   cleanup 0


   # Help text if we got an unexpected (or empty) first param
   echo "Expected something like one of the following:"
   echo "# Run all tests:"
   echo "mahara_behat run"
   echo ""
   echo "# Run tests in file \"example.feature\""
   echo "mahara_behat run example.feature"
   echo ""
   echo "# Run tests with specific tag:"
   echo "mahara_behat run @tagname"
   echo ""
   echo "# Run tests with extra debug output:"
   echo "mahara_behat rundebug"
   echo "mahara_behat rundebug example.feature"
   echo "mahara_behat rundebug @tagname"
   echo ""
   echo "# Run in headless mode (requires xvfb):"
   echo "mahara_behat runheadless"
   echo ""
   echo "# Run in headless mode with extra debug output:"
   echo "mahara_behat rundebugheadless"
   echo ""
   echo "# Enable test site:"
   echo "mahara_behat action enable"
   echo ""
   echo "# Disable test site:"
   echo "mahara_behat action disable"
   echo ""
   echo "# List other actions you can perform:"
   echo "mahara_behat action help"
   exit 1


Step 4 :- Change Behat hooks for getting screenshots :-

<?php /**

* @package    mahara
* @subpackage test/behat
* @author     Son Nguyen, Catalyst IT Ltd
* @license GNU GPL version 3 or later
* @copyright  For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software.
* @copyright  portions from mahara Behat, 2013 David Monllaó


* Behat accepts hooks after and before each
* suite, feature, scenario and step.
* This methods are used by Behat CLI command.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/BehatBase.php');

use Behat\Behat\Event\SuiteEvent as SuiteEvent,

   Behat\Behat\Event\FeatureEvent as FeatureEvent,
   Behat\Behat\Event\ScenarioEvent as ScenarioEvent,
   Behat\Behat\Event\StepEvent as StepEvent,
   Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException as DriverException,
   WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchWindow as NoSuchWindow,
   WebDriver\Exception\UnexpectedAlertOpen as UnexpectedAlertOpen,
   WebDriver\Exception\UnknownError as UnknownError,
   WebDriver\Exception\CurlExec as CurlExec,
   WebDriver\Exception\NoAlertOpenError as NoAlertOpenError;

use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope; use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope; /**

* Hooks to the behat process.
* Implement hooks after and before each
* suite, feature, scenario and step for Mahara
* Throws generic Exception because they are captured by Behat.

class BehatHooks extends BehatBase {

    * @var For actions that should only run once.
   protected static $initprocessesfinished = false;
    * Some exceptions can only be caught in a before or after step hook,
    * they can not be thrown there as they will provoke a framework level
    * failure, but we can store them here to fail the step in i_look_for_exceptions()
    * which result will be parsed by the framework as the last step result.
    * @var Null or the exception last step throw in the before or after hook.
   protected static $currentstepexception = null;
    * If we are saving any kind of dump on failure we should use the same parent dir during a run.
    * @var The parent dir name
   protected static $faildumpdirname = false;
    * Make sure the test site is installed and enabled for behat tests.
    * @static
    * @throws Exception
    * @BeforeSuite
   public static function before_suite($event) {
       global $CFG, $db, $SESSION, $USER, $THEME;
       // Defined only when the behat CLI command is running, the mahara init setup process will
       // read this value and switch to $CFG->behat_dataroot and $CFG->behat_dbprefix instead of
       // the normal site.
       define('BEHAT_UTIL', 1);
       define('INTERNAL', 1);
       define('CLI', 1);
       // With BEHAT_TEST we will be using $CFG->behat_* instead of $CFG->dataroot, $CFG->dbprefix and $CFG->wwwroot.
       require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)))) . '/init.php');
       // Now that we are in Mahara env.
       require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/classes/TestLock.php');
       require_once(__DIR__ . '/util.php');
       // Initialize and enable the test site if possible
       $statuscode = BehatTestingUtil::get_test_env_status();
       switch ($statuscode) {
           case 0:
               throw new Exception($statuscode.'The test site is not ready to test.
   Please run php ' . dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)))) . 'testing/frameworks/behat/cli/init.php to initialize the test site');;
       if (!empty($CFG->behat_faildump_path) && !is_writable($CFG->behat_faildump_path)) {
           throw new Exception('You set $CFG->behat_faildump_path to a non-writable directory');
    * Clean test database and dataroot and disable the test environment.
    * @static
    * @throws Exception
    * @AfterSuite
   public static function after_suite($event) {
       global $CFG, $db, $SESSION, $USER, $THEME;
       // Check if the test environment is ready: dataroot, database, server
       if (!defined('BEHAT_TEST')) {
           throw new Exception('The test site is not enabled for behat testing');
    * Resets the test environment.
    * @throws Exception If here we are not using the test database it should be because of a coding error
    * @BeforeScenario
   public function before_scenario($event) {
       global $CFG;
        // Check if the test environment is ready: dataroot, database, server
       if (!defined('BEHAT_TEST')) {
           throw new Exception('The test site is not enabled for behat testing');
       // Check if the browser is running and supports javascript
       $moreinfo = 'More info in ' . BehatCommand::DOCS_URL . '#Running_tests';
       $driverexceptionmsg = 'Selenium server is not running, you need to start it to run tests that involve Javascript. ' . $moreinfo;
       try {
           $session = $this->getSession();
       catch (CurlExec $e) {
           // Exception thrown by WebDriver, so only @javascript tests will be caugth; in
           throw new Exception($driverexceptionmsg);
       catch (DriverException $e) {
           throw new Exception($driverexceptionmsg);
       catch (UnknownError $e) {
           // Generic 'I have no idea' Selenium error. Custom exception to provide more feedback about possible solutions.
           throw new Exception($e);
       // Register the named selectors for mahara
       if (self::is_first_scenario()) {
           // Reset the browser
           // Run all test with medium (1024x768) screen size, to avoid responsive problems.
       // Reset $SESSION.
       $_SESSION = array();
       $SESSION = new stdClass();
       // Reset the nasty strings list used during the last test.
       // Set current user is admin
       // Start always in the the homepage.
       try {
           // Let's be conservative as we never know when new upstream issues will affect us.
       catch (UnknownError $e) {
           throw new Exception($e);
       // Checking that the root path is a mahara test site.
       if (!self::$initprocessesfinished) {
           $notestsiteexception = new Exception('The base URL (' . $CFG->wwwroot . ') is not a behat test site, ' .
               'ensure you started the built-in web server in the correct directory or your web server is correctly started and set up');
           $this->find("xpath", "//head/child::title[contains(., '" . BehatTestingUtil::BEHATSITENAME . "')]", $notestsiteexception);
           self::$initprocessesfinished = true;
    * Wait for JS to complete before beginning interacting with the DOM.
    * Executed only when running against a real browser. We wrap it
    * all in a try & catch to forward the exception to i_look_for_exceptions
    * so the exception will be at scenario level, which causes a failure, by
    * default would be at framework level, which will stop the execution of
    * the run.
    * @BeforeStep

// public function before_step(BeforeStepScope $scope) {

// if ($this->running_javascript()) { // try { // $this->wait_for_pending_js(); // self::$currentstepexception = null; // } // catch (Exception $e) { // self::$currentstepexception = $e; // } // } // }


        * @BeforeScenario
        * @param BeforeScenarioScope $scope
       public function setUpTestEnvironment($scope)
           $this->currentScenario = $scope->getScenario();

    * Wait for JS to complete after finishing the step.
    * With this we ensure that there are not AJAX calls
    * still in progress.
    * Executed only when running against a real browser. We wrap it
    * all in a try & catch to forward the exception to i_look_for_exceptions
    * so the exception will be at scenario level, which causes a failure, by
    * default would be at framework level, which will stop the execution of
    * the run.
    * Take screenshot if the step failed
    * This includes creating an HTML dump of the content if there was a failure.
    * @AfterStep
   public function after_step(AfterStepScope $scope) {
       global $CFG;
       if ($this->running_javascript()) {

// && in_array($scope->getStep()->getKeywordType(), array('Given', 'When'))) {

           try {
               self::$currentstepexception = null;
           catch (UnexpectedAlertOpen $e) {
               self::$currentstepexception = $e;
               // Accepting the alert so the framework can continue properly running
               // the following scenarios. Some browsers already closes the alert, so
               // wrapping in a try & catch.
               try {
               catch (Exception $e) {
                   // Catching the generic one as we never know how drivers reacts here.
           catch (Exception $e) {
               self::$currentstepexception = $e;
       if (!empty($CFG->behat_faildump_path) &&
               $scope->getTestResult()->getResultCode() === 99) {

//if test has failed, and is not an api test, get screenshot

               //create filename string
              $featureFolder = preg_replace('/\W/', , $scope->getFeature()->getTitle());
                             $scenarioName = $this->currentScenario->getTitle();
                             $fileName = preg_replace('/\W/', , $scenarioName) . '.png';
               //create screenshots directory if it doesn't exist
               if (!file_exists('/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder)) {
                   mkdir('/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder);
               //take screenshot and save as the previously defined filename
               //$this->getDriver()->takeScreenshot('/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder . '/' . $fileName);
               // For Selenium2 Driver you can use:
                file_put_contents('/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder . '/' . $fileName, $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getScreenshot());
    * Getter for self::$faildumpdirname
    * @return string
   protected function get_run_faildump_dir() {
       return self::$faildumpdirname;
    * Take screenshot when a step fails.
    * @throws Exception
    * @param AfterStepScope $scope
   protected function take_screenshot(AfterStepScope $scope) {
       // Goutte can't save screenshots.
       if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
           return false;
       list ($dir, $filename) = $this->get_faildump_filename($scope, 'png');
       $this->saveScreenshot($filename, $dir);
    * Take a dump of the page content when a step fails.
    * @throws Exception
    * @param AfterStepScope $scope
   protected function take_contentdump(AfterStepScope $scope) {
       list ($dir, $filename) = $this->get_faildump_filename($scope, 'html');
       $fh = fopen($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename, 'w');
       fwrite($fh, $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent());
    * Determine the full pathname to store a failure-related dump.
    * This is used for content such as the DOM, and screenshots.
    * @param AfterStepScope $scope
    * @param String $filetype The file suffix to use. Limited to 4 chars.
   protected function get_faildump_filename(AfterStepScope $scope, $filetype) {
       global $CFG;
       // All the contentdumps should be in the same parent dir.
       if (!$faildumpdir = self::get_run_faildump_dir()) {
           $faildumpdir = self::$faildumpdirname = date('Ymd_His');
           $dir = $CFG->behat_faildump_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $faildumpdir;
           if (!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true)) {
               // It shouldn't, we already checked that the directory is writable.
               throw new Exception('No directories can be created inside $CFG->behat_faildump_path, check the directory permissions.');
       else {
           // We will always need to know the full path.
           $dir = $CFG->behat_faildump_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $faildumpdir;
       // The scenario title + the failed step text.
       // We want a i-am-the-scenario-title_i-am-the-failed-step.$filetype format.
       $filename = $scope->getStep()->getParent()->getTitle() . '_' . $scope->getStep()->getText();
       $filename = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/', '-', $filename);
       // File name limited to 255 characters. Leaving 4 chars for the file
       // extension as we allow .png for images and .html for DOM contents.
       $filename = substr($filename, 0, 250) . '.' . $filetype;
       return array($dir, $filename);
    * Internal step definition to find exceptions, debugging() messages and PHP debug messages.
    * Part of BehatHooks class as is part of the testing framework, is auto-executed
    * after each step so no features will splicitly use it.
    * @Given /^I look for exceptions$/
    * @throw Exception Unknown type, depending on what we caught in the hook or basic \Exception.
   public function i_look_for_exceptions() {
       // If the step already failed in a hook throw the exception.
       if (!is_null(self::$currentstepexception)) {
           throw self::$currentstepexception;
       // Wrap in try in case we were interacting with a closed window.
       try {
           // Exceptions.
           $exceptionsxpath = "//div[@data-rel='fatalerror']";
           // Debugging messages.
           $debuggingxpath = "//div[@data-rel='debugging']";
           // PHP debug messages.
           $phperrorxpath = "//div[@data-rel='phpdebugmessage']";
           // Any other backtrace.
           $othersxpath = "(//*[contains(., ': call to ')])[1]";
           $xpaths = array($exceptionsxpath, $debuggingxpath, $phperrorxpath, $othersxpath);
           $joinedxpath = implode(' | ', $xpaths);
           // Joined xpath expression. Most of the time there will be no exceptions, so this pre-check
           // is faster than to send the 4 xpath queries for each step.
           if (!$this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($joinedxpath)) {
           // Exceptions.
           if ($errormsg = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', $exceptionsxpath)) {
               // Getting the debugging info and the backtrace.
               $errorinfoboxes = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('css', 'div.alert-error');
               // If errorinfoboxes is empty, try find notifytiny (original) class.
               if (empty($errorinfoboxes)) {
                   $errorinfoboxes = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('css', 'div.notifytiny');
               $errorinfo = $this->get_debug_text($errorinfoboxes[0]->getHtml()) . "\n" .
               $msg = "mahara exception: " . $errormsg->getText() . "\n" . $errorinfo;
               throw new \Exception(html_entity_decode($msg));
           // Debugging messages.
           if ($debuggingmessages = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('xpath', $debuggingxpath)) {
               $msgs = array();
               foreach ($debuggingmessages as $debuggingmessage) {
                   $msgs[] = $this->get_debug_text($debuggingmessage->getHtml());
               $msg = "debugging() message/s found:\n" . implode("\n", $msgs);
               throw new \Exception(html_entity_decode($msg));
           // PHP debug messages.
           if ($phpmessages = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findAll('xpath', $phperrorxpath)) {
               $msgs = array();
               foreach ($phpmessages as $phpmessage) {
                   $msgs[] = $this->get_debug_text($phpmessage->getHtml());
               $msg = "PHP debug message/s found:\n" . implode("\n", $msgs);
               throw new \Exception(html_entity_decode($msg));
           // Any other backtrace.
           // First looking through xpath as it is faster than get and parse the whole page contents,
           // we get the contents and look for matches once we found something to suspect that there is a backtrace.
           if ($this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($othersxpath)) {
               $backtracespattern = '/(line [0-9]* of [^:]*: call to [\->&;:a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][\->&;:a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)/';
               if (preg_match_all($backtracespattern, $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(), $backtraces)) {
                   $msgs = array();
                   foreach ($backtraces[0] as $backtrace) {
                       $msgs[] = $backtrace . '()';
                   $msg = "Other backtraces found:\n" . implode("\n", $msgs);
                   throw new \Exception(htmlentities($msg));
       catch (NoSuchWindow $e) {
           // If we were interacting with a popup window it will not exists after closing it.
    * Converts HTML tags to line breaks to display the info in CLI
    * @param string $html
    * @return string
   protected function get_debug_text($html) {
       // Replacing HTML tags for new lines and keeping only the text.
       $notags = preg_replace('/<+\s*\/*\s*([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\b[^>]*\/*\s*>*/i', "\n", $html);
       return preg_replace("/(\n)+/s", "\n", $notags);
    * Returns whether the first scenario of the suite is running
    * @return bool
   protected static function is_first_scenario() {
       return !(self::$initprocessesfinished);
    * Throws an exception after appending an extra info text.
    * @throws Exception
    * @param UnknownError $exception
    * @return void
   protected function throw_unknown_exception(UnknownError $exception) {
       $text = get_string('unknownexceptioninfo', 'tool_behat');
       throw new Exception($text . PHP_EOL . $exception->getMessage());


5- Create a folder results under /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/ 6- Create a folder html under /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results 7- Create a folder screenshots under /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat/results/html/assests 8- Run the test and delete any screenshot before running tests from screenshot folder. Note: Screenshots are now manually deleted, we should find a way to delete the screenshot before running a behat tests