
Testing Area/Manual regression testing

From Mahara Wiki

< Testing Area

This page will outline the manual testing of Mahara in sections as outlined in the Mahara user manual


To test the Dashboard page it is assumed that a fresh install of Mahara has taken place and user sets "Password" and "email" for the initial login. It is also assumed that there is a fresh database with no data. For more information of the dashboard please see Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3. Dashboard. This page will have screenshots of pages using the "Raw" theme. Other themes will need to be tested but will have to be set by the Site admin in the Site settings panel found here Admin menu > Configure site > Site options > Site settings

Testing/Manual testing/Dashboard


Testing/Manual testing/Content


Testing/Manual testing/Portfolio


Testing/Manual testing/Groups


Testing/Manual testing/Blocks

Things to test for Manually

All users with exception of root user has ctime set when they are first created
Original Bug:

Create new admin user Log into Database using the following commands

    '''sudo -u postgres psql'''                           - starts PSQL terminal
    '''\l'''                                              - lists databases 
    '''\c <db name>'''                                    - connect to database 
    '''Select ctime from usr where username='admin';'''   - returns date/time user was created 

Date should be date user was created

Login Block Ocean theme