
Testing Area/Behat Testing/Setup

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< Testing Area‎ | Behat Testing
Revision as of 14:16, 25 February 2022 by Gold (talk | contribs) (syntax highlight)
Note: These instructions for the Behat setup are only for machines running Linux. They will not work for Windows machines.

1. Set up your developer environment if you haven't already done so.

2. Install Behat's dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install curl openjdk-8-jre-headless

3. Add the following config settings to the bottom of your Mahara config.php file inside the htdocs/ subdirectory of the Mahara codebase.

Note: If /var/www/maharadata is not where you created your dataroot, you'll need to replace that with the correct path in the following commands
// Behat config
$cfg->behat_dbprefix = 'behat_'; // must not empty
$cfg->behat_dataroot = "/var/lib/maharadata/master_behat"; // The Behat copy of maharadata.
$cfg->behat_wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8000'; // Must be this
$cfg->behat_selenium2 = ""; // Must be this
Note: There should be a behat_dataroot for each Mahara instance that you set up. Here the one for the master branch / this Mahara instance is created.
Note: If the directory for $cfg->behat_dataroot does not exist then it will need to be created.

4. Make your Behat data directory (check this matches what you set in config.php):

$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat

5. Make the directory and any subdirectories writeable by Mahara (check the directory is correct):

$ sudo chmod 777 -R /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat

6. Change the directory and any subdirectories permissions to be owned by apache user (check the directory is correct):

$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat
  • For Ubuntu, apache runs with user www-data
  • For Centos, apache runs with user apache

7. Run Behat tests (change into your Mahara code directory first) as the apache user:

$ cd
$ cd code/mahara
./test/behat/ run

Or if you have sudo access:

$ cd
$ cd code/mahara
sudo -u www-data ./test/behat/ run

For the first time of running Behat, you need to wait for the Behat environment initialisation. This can take a while.

To run all tests:

./test/behat/ run

To run your specific tests marked with @yourtags:

./test/behat/ run @yourtags

To run a particular feature file:

./test/behat/ run my_file.feature

The run / runheadless / rundebug / rundebugheadless / runfresh are interchangable with run in above commands

Running Behat tests with html report and screenshots on failed steps

To run tests with html output, add the flag 'html' to your test run command, e.g:

./test/behat/ run create_page.feature html

This will automatically open an html report of the test run in your browser. If there were failed steps, the the html report plugin takes a screenshot of the page that failed. You can find the screenshots in your behat dataroot (usually /var/lib/maharadata/master_behat) at the following path: behat/html_results/<feature title>/<scenario title>.png

Hopefully we will rig up the report to link to the screenshot soon.

How to Run Mahara behat test on Chrome for versions older than 17.04

Note: Mahara behat is running on chrome driver by default in 17:04+

This is steps for older versions of Mahara

1. Download chromedriver here ( download the latest release)

2. Start selenium Server with chrome driver

$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar of chromedriver

3. Change the behat.yml file as follows,

Here is the file path var/lib/maharadata/master_behat/behat.yml

when you open the beaht.yml file replace the following code with the lines that contain sessions to goutte=NUll( Niranjan or Lovesh can exactly tell you where to replcae the code if it is confusing) and save it

javascript_session: selenium2

          browser: chrome
           goutte: ~

4. Run the behat test without rundebug

for example ./test/behat/ run example.feature


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