
Difference between revisions of "Testing Area/Behat Testing/Steps"

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< Testing Area‎ | Behat Testing
Line 166: Line 166:
<small>''E.g:<br />
<small>''E.g:<br />
And I should be on "artefact/internal/index.php"''</small>
And I should be on "artefact/internal/index.php"''</small>
Opens user profile.
  And I am on user profile
Line 174: Line 171:
   And I go to the homepage
   And I go to the homepage
   And I am on homepage
   And I am on homepage
Checks, that current page is the homepage.
Checks, that current page is the homepage.
   And I should be on the homepage
   And I should be on the homepage
Reloads the current page.
Reloads the current page.
   And I reload the page
   And I reload the page
Waits until the page is completely loaded. This step is auto-executed after every step.
Waits until the page is completely loaded. This step is auto-executed after every step.
   And I wait until the page is ready
   And I wait until the page is ready
Take you to a specific page using the relative path:
Take you to a specific page using the relative path:
Line 189: Line 190:
   And I go to "page"
   And I go to "page"
<small>''Example: When I go to "admin/site/options.php"'' //opens the admin settings for your site.</small>
<small>''Example: When I go to "admin/site/options.php"'' //opens the admin settings for your site.</small>
Opens user profile.
  And I am on user profile
Go to a named portfolio page
  And I go to portfolio page "name"
<small>''E.g: <br />
Given I go to portfolio page "Page UserA_01"
Opens named Group page
Opens named Group page

Revision as of 17:25, 19 December 2017

Use these steps to create Behat tests
Copy and paste the steps in the order your need into a text editor (ie gedit or vim) to create your tests.

Note: Replace the "And" with "Given, When, Then" where necessary. Replace Selectors and Elements with one from the list of Selectors and Elements

The fastest way to write test is using parts of previous tests. In the terminal type the following command to search through all the feature files for what you are looking for:

 grep --color=auto -RniP -C 3 --include *.feature '(given|when|then|and).*delete.*activity' *

Replace delete and activity with the words that you specifically need

To see the list of current tests from your Mahara directory

grep -RiPoh 'Scenario:(\s+)\K(.*)$' test/

There are test steps provided with Behat in the MinkContext.php file and other custom steps written for Mahara. To get a list of steps and where they're used from your dev instance, go to http://mahara/testing/frameworks/behat/behat_steps_used.php

The following three lines of code will give you a text file of the current steps, but it is not so pretty:

egrep -r '@(Given|When|Then)' ~/code/mahara/external/vendor/behat/mink-extension/src/Behat/MinkExtension/Context/MinkContext.php > behat_steps.txt
egrep -rh '@(Given|When|Then)' ~/code/mahara/htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/classes >> behat_steps.txt
perl -i -pe "s/[?\"\'\*\(\)\[\]^\\]\|\\\\]//g" behat_steps.txt

This creates a file called behat_steps.txt in your current directory which contains the list. It will confirm for you that a step exists in the code, but it is not an attempt to quantify steps specifically used in Mahara. If the step is not explicitly referenced in code, it won't be in the list. Variables in the step are indicated by P<> or :. You can ignore / and /$ at the beginnings and ends of lines.

Backgrounds/ Way to create heaps of users, groups, institutions:

Given the following "users" exist:
     | username | password | email | firstname | lastname | institution | authname | role |
     | UserA | Kupuhipa1 | [email protected] | Angela | User | mahara | internal | member |
     | UserB | Kupuhipa1 | [email protected] | Bob    | User | mahara | internal | member |
Given the following "groups" exist:
     | name | owner | description | grouptype | open | invitefriends | editroles | submittableto | allowarchives | members | staff |
     | GroupA | UserA | GroupA owned by UserA | standard | ON | OFF | all | ON | OFF | UserB, UserC |  |
     | GroupB | UserA | GroupB owned by UserA | standard | ON | OFF | all | OFF | OFF | UserB, UserC |  |
Given the following "institutions" exist:
     | name | displayname | registerallowed | registerconfirm |
     | instone | Institution One | ON | OFF |
     | insttwo | Institution Two | ON | OFF |

Create heaps of empty pages for users, groups, institutions and sites.

Given the following "pages" exist:
     | title | description| ownertype | ownername |
     | Page UserA_01 | Page 01 | user | UserA |
     | Page UserA_02 | Page 02 | user | UserA |
     | Page GroupA_01 | Group page 01 | group | GroupA |
     | Page GroupA_02 | Group page 02 | group | GroupA |
     | Page Institution_01 | Institution page 01 | institution | instone |
     | Page Site_01 | Site page 01 | institution | mahara |

Create heaps of collections

Given the following "collections" exist:
     | title | description| ownertype | ownername | pages |
     | Collection UserA_01 | Collection 01 | user | UserA | Page UserA_06, Page UserA_12 |
     | Collection UserA_02 | Collection 02 | user | UserA | Page UserA_07 |
     | Collection GroupA_01 | Group collection 01 | group | GroupA | Page Group_01, Page GroupA_02 |

Create permissions

   And the following "permissions" exist:
     | title | accesstype |
     | Page UserA_01 | public |
     | Collection UserA_01 | public |
   And the following "permissions" exist:
    | title | accesstype | accessname | allowcomments | approvecomments |
    | Page GroupA_01 | loggedin | loggedin | 1 | 1 |

Create journals and journal posts

   And the following "journals" exist:
    | owner | ownertype | title | description | tags |
    | celeste | user | Mars journal | Recording my Mars Mission | Mars |
   And the following "journalposts" exist:
    | owner | ownertype | title | entry | blog | tags | draft |
    | celeste | user | I'm going to Mars! | I just passed my exam and am approved for a Mars Mission | Mars journal | Mars | 0 |
    | celeste | user | Spacefood | Spacefood is kind of gross if you don't cook it right | Mars journal | Mars,food | 0 |

Logging In/Out

Log in as an existing user. The example is the default user on the testing db.

 Given I log in as "username" with password "password"

Given I log in as "admin" with password "Kupuhipa1"

Log out. This is only necessary if you need to switch users during a scenario

 Given I log out
Note: The users will be given an automatic PW of Kupuhipa1 and the email account will be [email protected].
If you want to set a user up with additional admin permissions you have to do that manually.

Press a key

Simulate a key press in a particular field

 And I press the key "key_name" in the "node_element" field

And I press the key "Enter" in the "Search users" field

Mahara menu navigation

Choose a main menu item:

 Given I choose "Main menu item" from main menu
 Given I choose "Admin menu item" from administration menu
 Given I choose "User menu item" from user menu
 Given I choose "User menu item" from user menu by id

And I choose "Admin home" from administration menu
"by id" means find the menu item based on an html id, for instance "mail" for "? unread" messages link to inbox:
And I choose "mail" from user menu by id

Choose a sub menu in a main menu item:

 When I choose "Sub-menu item" in "Main menu item" from main menu
 When I choose "Sub-menu item" in "Admin menu item" from administration menu
 When I choose "Sub-menu item" in "User menu item" from user menu

And I choose "Settings" in "Setting" from user menu

And I choose "Pages and collections" in "Portfolio" from main menu

Mahara pages and blocks

Open the configuration of a block

 And I configure the block "Block title"

And I configure the block "Latest changes I can view"

Delete a block

 And I delete the block "Block title"

When I delete the block "1984"

Expanding the blocks when adding content to a page

 And I expand "text" node

And I expand "General" node

Collapsing content node

 And I collapse "text" node

And I collapse "Text Block 1" node

Expanding a node in a given property/css locator

 And I expand "text" node in the "property" property
 And I expand "text" node in the "element" "selector" //please use the property step above in preference to this.

And I expand "External" node in the "blocktype sidebar" property

Opening/Loading/Closing Pages

Checks, that current page PATH is equal to specified.

 And I should be on "page path"

And I should be on "artefact/internal/index.php"

Opens homepage.

 And I go to the homepage
 And I am on homepage

Checks, that current page is the homepage.

 And I should be on the homepage

Reloads the current page.

 And I reload the page

Waits until the page is completely loaded. This step is auto-executed after every step.

 And I wait until the page is ready

Take you to a specific page using the relative path:

 And I am on "page"
 And I go to "page"

Example: When I go to "admin/site/options.php" //opens the admin settings for your site.

Opens user profile.

 And I am on user profile

Go to a named portfolio page

 And I go to portfolio page "name"

Given I go to portfolio page "Page UserA_01"

Opens named Group page

 And I go to group "name"

Moves backward one page in history.

 And I move backward one page

Moves forward one page in history

 And I move forward one page

Checks, that current page response status is equal to specified.

 And the response status code should be 404

Checks, that current page response status is not equal to specified.

 And the response status code should not be 404

Switching Frames/Windows

Switches to the specified iframe.

 And I switch to "$iframename" iframe

Switches to the main Mahara frame.

 And I switch to the main frame

Switches to the specified window. Useful when interacting with popup windows.

 And I switch to “windowname” window

Switches to the main Mahara window. Useful when you finish interacting with popup windows.

 And I switch to the main window

Interacting with popups (these aren't currently used in Mahara, so there are no Mahara-specific examples)

 And I accept the alert popup
 And I accept the confirm popup
 And I cancel the confirm popup
 And I fill in "text" for popup     
 And I should see "text" in popup

Actions Requiring Waiting

Waits until the page is ready

 And I wait until the page is ready

Waits X seconds. Required after an action that requires data from an AJAX request. Don't use this unless the test really needs it - i.e. keeps failing.

 And I wait "$numberofseconds" seconds

And I wait "1" seconds

Waits until the provided element selector exists in the DOM

 And I wait until "$element" "$selector" exists

Waits until the provided element does not exist in the DOM

 And I wait until "element_string" "selector_string" does not exist

Click Actions

There are several options for clicking an element in a page. The key difference is in the html tags it has. The first two built in steps 'I press' and 'I follow' take slightly different html tags.

Clicks link with specified id|title|alt|text.

 And I follow "id|title|alt|text"

And I follow "Lost username / password"

Presses button with specified id|name|title|alt|value.

 And I press "id|name|title|alt|value"

And I press "Save"

Click on is a mahara specific step intended for a link or button. The tags it targets are not documented.

 And I click on "element"

And I click on "Help"

Click on an element in a dialog box

 And I click on "element" in the dialog

And I click on "Page" in the dialog

Panel Menu steps

Panel menus in Mahara are the boxes that display page/collection titles and edit/delete icons on the Pages and collections page. We have some specific steps to target them.

Click on the page/collection title

 And I click the panel "text string"
 And I click on "text string" panel menu
 And I click on "text string" panel collection

And I click the panel "Page UserA_01"
And I click on "Page UserA_01" panel menu
And I click on "Collection UserA_01" panel collection

Click on a specific collection page

 And I click on "page_name" in "collection_name" panel collection

And I click on "Page UserA_01" in "Collection UserA_01" panel collection

Click the panel's edit, delete or access options

 And I click on "Edit/Manage/Delete" in "page_name" panel menu

And I click on "Edit" in "Page UserA_01" panel menu

Clicking with locators

If the element you want to click doesn't have an obvious tag, you may need to specify a css or xpath element to be able to click it. As these are not as user-friendly to read, we now have a properties file in mahara (/htdocs/testing/frameworks/behat/classes/properties.php) which converts the css or xpath element to a name which is more human-readable. Use the following property steps in preference to any that directly use a css or xpath element. If you need to target an element not included in the properties file, that element should be added to the properties file.

 And I press "search text" in the "property name" property
 And I follow "search text" in the "property name" property
 And I click on "search text" in the "property name" property

And I press "Close" in the "Upload dialog" property
And I follow "Note" in the "blocktype sidebar" property
And I click on "Settings" in the "Toolbar buttons" property

These steps replace the following steps, which should no longer be used:

 And I press "button" in the "$element" "$selector"
 And I follow "link" in the "$element" "$selector"
 And I click on "link or button" in the "$element" "$selector"

There are a couple(?) of steps which take a css/xpath locator that haven't been replaced by a properties step. They are not currently used in any Mahara tests, but are included for completeness:

Generic mouse over action. Mouse over a element of the specified type.

 And I hover "$element" "$selector"

Drags and drops the specified element to the specified container. This step does not work in all the browsers, consider it experimental.

 And I drag "$element" "$selector" and I drop in "$containerelement" ”$selector"

Clicking on table elements

Click on the row containing a text string

 And I click the row "text_string"

Click on the link or button inside a list/table row containing the specified text.

 And I click on "link or button" in "row_text_string" row

And I click on "Edit access" in "Page GroupA_01" row

Click on the delete button inside a list/table row containing the specified text.

 And I delete the "text string" row

Given I delete the "Public comment by anonymous user" row

Click on the specified element inside a table row containing the specified text.

 And I click on "$element" "$selector" in the table row

And I click on "hidden-user-search-[0]" "css_element" in the table row

Click a Smartevidence matrix point

 And I click the matrix point "num,num"

And I click on the matrix point "3,4"

Filling in Forms

Attaches file to field with specified id|name|label|value

 And I attach the file "File name" to "Field"

And I attach the file "groupmembers.csv" to "CSV file"

Checkboxes and Radio buttons

Checks checkbox with specified id|name|label|value.

 And I check "option"

And I check "Facebook (Social media)"

Unchecks checkbox with specified id|name|label|value.

 And I uncheck "option"

Checks that checkbox with specified in|name|label|value is checked.

 And the "checkbox" checkbox should be checked
 And the checkbox "checkbox" is|should be checked

And the "edit_interaction_autosubscribe" checkbox should be checked

Checks that checkbox with specified in|name|label|value is unchecked.

 And the "checkbox" checkbox should not be checked
 And the checkbox "checkbox" should be unchecked|not be checked
 And the checkbox "checkbox" is unchecked|not checked

And the "Friend invitations" checkbox should not be checked
And the checkbox "test page name 1" should be unchecked

Selects a radio button

   And I set the field "Mars journal" to "1"

Checking fields for values

Checks that form field with specified id|name|label|value has specified value.

 And the "field" field should contain "value"

And the "Occupation" field should contain "Hairdresser"

Checks that form field with specified id|name|label|value doesn't have specified value.

 And the "field" field should not contain "value"

And the "System message" field should not contain "None"

Checks the field matches the value.

 And the field "field_string" matches value "field_value_string"

And the field "Institution administrator" matches value "1"

Checks the field does not match the value.

 And the field "field_string" does not match value "field_value_string"

Checks multiple field/value pairs match

 And the following fields match these values:


And the following fields match these values:
| Page title | Page GroupA_01 |

Checks that the provided field/value pairs don't match.

 And the following fields do not match these values:

Entering Text

Fills in a form field with specified text

 And I fill in "Field" with "Text"
 And I set the field "Field" to "Text"
 And I fill in "Text" for "Field"


And I fill in "Title" with "Site blog"
And I set the field "Post" to "Hello"
And I fill in "Would you like to be my friend?" for "Message"

Fills in multiple form fields with field/value data.

 And I set the following fields to these values:
   | Field name | Field value |    
 And I fill in the following:
   | Field name | Field value |  

And I fill in the following:

| firstname | Jen |
| lastname | Jenny |
| email | [email protected] |
| username | jen |
| password | mahara1 |

And I set the following fields to these values:

| addeducationhistory_startdate | 1 Jan 2017 |
| addeducationhistory_institution | Mail-order PhD |
| addeducationhistory_institutionaddress | 45 Empty St |

Enter a dynamic date

      @Then I should see the date :date in the :element element with the format :format
    @Then I fill in :element with :date date
    @Then I fill in :element with :date date in the format :format

Using select boxes

Checks that given select box contains the specified option.

 And the "select_string" select box should contain "option_string"

Then the "accesslist[0][searchtype]" select box should contain "Institution One"

Checks that given select box contains the specified option.

 And the "select_string" select box should not contain "option_string"

And the "accesslist[0][searchtype]" select box should not contain "Institution Two"

Checks that the select box contains a list of elements

 And the "select_string" select box should contain all "list_of_options"

And the "Activity type:" select box should contain all "Administration messages | Comment | Contact us | Feedback on annotations | Group message | Institution message | Message from other users | New forum post | New page access | Objectionable content | Objectionable content in forum | Repeat virus upload | System message | Virus flag release | Watchlist"

Selects option in select field with specified id|name|label|value.

 And I select "option" from "select"

And I select "Email digest" from "Objectionable content"

Selects additional option in select field with specified id|name|label|value.

 And I additionally select "option" from "select"


Our WYSIWYG rich text editor, TinyMCE, behaves a bit strangely, so it requires its own special behat step to fill in a TinyMCE rich text field. You must identify the editor by the ID of the iframe that TinyMCE generates.

 And I fill in text "Testing 123" in WYSIWYG editor "add_feedback_from_form_message_ifr"

Or you can leave out the iframe name, and Behat will find and use the first TinyMCE editor on the page. (This is useful when the TinyMCE editor's ID is assigned dynamically.)

And I fill in text "Testing 123" in WYSIWYG editor


Fill the wstoken text in field. This step finds the relevant token and fills in the field.

 And I fill in the wstoken for "service" owned by "user"

And I fill in the wstoken for "Test service" owned by "Service Admin"

Checking For Specific Visible Elements

Checks that page contains specified text. It also checks if the text is visible when running Javascript tests.

 And I should see "$text"

Then I should see "Latest changes I can view"

Checks that page doesn't contain specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.

 And I should not see "$text"

And I should not see "Here is a new block"

Checks that page contains text matching the specified regex pattern - useful when checking dynamic content.

 And I should see text matching "pattern"

Checks that page doesn't contain text matching the specified regex pattern.

 And I should not see text matching "pattern"

Checks that HTML response contains specified string.

 And the response should contain "text"

Checks that HTML response doesn't contain specified string.

 And the response should not contain "text"

Checks that field with specified identifier exists on page.

 And I should see the field "field"      

Checks that current page PATH matches regular expression.

 And the url should match "pattern"

Steps that check for elements by CSS locator

Since we have a properties file for CSS elements, the properties steps should be used in preference than those that pass the locators in directly. If you can't get the available property steps to do what you need, we should probably write additional steps using that functionality.

Checks that an element can be seen in a specified property

 And I should see "text" in the "name" property

And I should see "(2 pages)" in the "My portfolios" property

Checks that an element is not seen in a specified property

 And I should not see "text" in the "name" property

Then I should not see "Page UserA_01" in the "My portfolios" property

Checks that the specified element is visible. Only available in tests using Javascript.

 And "$elements" "$selector" should be visible

Checks that the specified element is not visible. Only available in tests using Javascript.

 And "$element" "$selector" should not be visible

Checks that the specified element is visible inside the specified container. Only available in tests using Javascript.

 And "$element" "$selector" in the "$elementcontainer" "$selector" should be visible

Checks that the specified element is not visible inside the specified container. Only available in tests using Javascript.

 And "$element" "$selector" in the "$elementcontainer" "$textselector" should not be visible

Checks that the specified element contains the specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.

 And I should see "$text" in the "$element" “$sector”

Checks that the specified element does not contain the specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.

 And I should not see "$text" in the “$element" "$selector”

Checks that the first specified element appears before the second one.

 And "$element" "$selector" should appear before "$element" "$selector"

Checks that the first specified element appears after the second one.

 And "$element" "selector" should appear after $"element"  $"selector"

Checks that the first specified element appears after the second one.

 And "following_element_string" "selector1_string" should appear after "preceding_element_string" "selector2_string"

Checks that element of specified type is disabled.

 And the "$element" "$selector" should be disabled

Checks that element of specified type is enabled.

 And the "$element" "$selector" should be enabled

Checks the provided element and selector type are readonly on the current page.

 And the "$element" "$selector" should be readonly

Checks the provided element and selector type exists in the current page. -This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.

 And "$element" "$selector" should exists

Checks that the provided element and selector type not exists in the current page. -This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.

 And "$element" "$selector" should not exists

Checks that an element and selector type exists in another element and selector type on the current page. -This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.

 And "$element" "$selector" should exist in the "$element" "$selector"

Checks that element with specified CSS contains specified text.

 And I should see "text" in the "element" element

And I should see "Text block 1" in the "div#column-container" element

Checks that element with specified CSS doesn't contain specified text.

 And I should not see "text" in the "element" element

And I should not see "Page UserA_01" in the ".bt-newviews" element

Checks that element with specified CSS contains specified HTML.

 And the "element" element should contain "value"

Then the "div#logo-area" element should contain "/theme/modern/images/site-logo"

Checks that element with specified CSS doesn't contain specified HTML.

 And the "element" element should not contain "value"

Checks that element with specified CSS exists on page.

 And I should see an "element" element

Checks that element with specified CSS doesn't exist on page.

 And I should not see an "element" element

Checks that (?P<num>\d+) CSS elements exist on the page

 And I should see (?P<num>\d+) "element" elements

Checks that the specified element is visible. Only available in tests using Javascript.

 And I should see the element "element" "selectortype"


Opens last response content in browser.

 And show last response

Prints last response to console.

 And print last response

Prints current URL to console.

 And print current URL

Debugging Tests

Pauses the test and waits for you to manually press the enter key. NB: Don't commit this step!!

 And I insert breakpoint

Prints a line of your choosing to the console so you can confirm the test is reaching that point

 And I echo the line "text"

Ungrouped Steps

Internal step definition to find exceptions, debugging() messages and PHP debug messages.

 And I look for exceptions

Follows the page redirection. Use this step after any action that shows a message and waits for a redirection

 And I wait to be redirected

Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog. This step does not work in all the browsers, consider it experimental.

 And I accept the currently displayed dialog

This step triggers cron like a user would do going to admin/cron.php.

 And I trigger cron
 And I trigger the cron

When I trigger the cron