
Testing Area/Manual regression testing

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Revision as of 11:03, 1 April 2018 by Stevens (talk | contribs)

Manual Test Cases

Dashboard Manual Testing

To test this page it is assumed that a fresh install of Mahara has taken place and that there is a fresh database. For more information of the dashboard please see Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3. Dashboard. This page will have screenshots of pages using the "Raw" theme. Other themes will need to be tested but will have to be set by the Site admin in the Site settings panel found here Admin menu > Configure site > Site options > Site settings

Login page

Things to test for

  1. Visual check
    1. Login page uses correct colour
    2. Mahara logo displayed -top left of page
    3. Welcome Page title h1 displayed
    4. Text "Edit this text via "Administration menu" → "Configure site" → "Static pages"." is displayed with link to "Static pages" page
    5. "Quick links" block is displayed with correct links to respective pages
    6. buttons displayed "Login"
    7. fields displayed "Username" & "Password"
    8. Links displayed "Register" & "Lost username / password"
    9. footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
  2. User invalid login- user should see an error message and will not be logged in
  3. User valid login- user should be logged in and and redirected to the Dashboard page
  4. "Registration" link is displayed and functioning
  5. "Lost username / password" link is displayed and functioning

Manual Test script scenarios

Scenario: User should see correct page styling
Given user is logged in
When is on the "Mahara homepage"
Then user should see "Raw" theme colours
Scenario: User invalid login
Given user is not logged in
And is on the Mahara homepage
When user enters valid username
And user enters invalid password
Then user should see "You have not provided the correct credentials to log in. Please check your username and password are correct." error message
And user should see "There was an error with submitting this form. Please check the marked fields and try again."
And user will not be logged in
Scenario: User valid login
Given user is not logged in
And is on the "Mahara homepage"
When user enters valid username
And user enters valid password
Then user should be on the "Dashboard" page
And user will be logged in
Scenario: "Registration" links to "Registration" page
Given user is not logged in
And is on the "Mahara homepage"
When user clicks "Registration" link
Then user should be on the "Registration" page
Scenario: "Lost username / password" links to "Forgotten your username or password?" page
Given user is not logged in
And is on the "Mahara homepage"
When user clicks the "Lost username / password" link
Then user should be on the "Forgotten your username or password?" page

Overview page

To test this page it is assumed that a fresh install of Mahara has taken place and that there is a fresh database.

Things to test for

  1. Visual check
    1. Page styling correct colour
      1. Raw theme
      2. Primary School theme
      3. Ocean theme
    2. Default blocks displayed
  2. Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
  3. Other page functionality Block pagination
  4. Page links working

Manual Test script scenarios

Scenario: User should see correct page styling
Given user is logged in
When is on the "Mahara homepage"
Then user should see "Raw" theme colours
Scenario: User can see messages in "Inbox" block
Given user is logged in
When user is on the "Dashboard"
Then user should see "Inbox" block
Scenario: User click "More" link to see more messages

TODO: Create step definition

Given the following "20""Messages" exist:
| | |
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen