

From Mahara Wiki

< Releases

This is a stable release of Mahara 1.1. Stable releases are fit for general use. If you find a bug, please report it to the tracker:

Please choose '1.1 stable branch' as the version of your bug.

This release includes an upgrade path from 1.0. If you wish to upgrade, we encourage you to make a copy of your website and test the upgrade on it first, to minimise the effect of any potential unforseen problems.

Changes from 1.1.5:

  • Forum e-mail notifications now have a cleaner format, and allow users to unsubscribe immediately.
  • Enforce UTF8 database upon installation.
  • Upgraded bundled XML feed reader to 1.0.3, multiple bug fixes to RSS handling.
  • Wall posts now have a configurable character limit.
  • Fixed a very slow query affecting My Groups and user profile pages.
  • Many bug fixes across all areas of Mahara.