
Testing Area/Behat Testing/Jenkins Maintenance

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< Testing Area‎ | Behat Testing

Jenkins Maintenance

Security Updates

Before you run the security updates make sure that there is nothing in the build queue running. If there is install the updates
but don't restart the server until the build have finished running.

Second option is to just purge the queue before you start using the purge queue link. This will safely kill the tasks.

  • Log onto
  • Click on mahara-gerrit
  • Click manage plugins
  • There will be a yellow text saying updates available
  • Make sure you're on the available tab
  • Click the all link/checkbox at the bottom.
  • Press the "Updates" button (should be located bottom left of the list of available updates)

Then access the server:

  • Make sure you have sudo access on
  • If you come across this error mahara-jenkins was not resolving - and the ip listed in the 'new account .. ' email had a different ip

solution is to add it to your hosts file.

  • You should then see you are in the sudo group on the box.
  • ssh to Jenkins to restart the server
 ssh -A
sudo service jenkins restart

Refresh the browser which is in
Re trigger your purged tasks. Go back to and click on the patches you had to kill.
See why the bot failed that patch by reading the Console Output, just to make sure it's a patch you killed.
Click the Retrigger link on the left hand side.