
Plugins/Artefact/My Learning/Uninstalling

From Mahara Wiki

< Plugins‎ | Artefact‎ | My Learning

For uninstalling plug-in you need admin access to your mahara root directory and to your MySQL or PostgreSQL database. I use MySQL database and SQLyog (which is a GUI for working with MySQL database - see images below).

NB: All tables in my database have mhr_ prefix, so in attached images you'll see all tables with mhr_ prefix!

To uninstall My Learning plug-in, follow these simple steps:

  1. Connect to your database (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  2. Delete all lines from table blocktype_installed_viewtype, which contain learningstyles or multipleintelligences. Use appropriate SQL sentences:

    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed_viewtype WHERE blocktype='learningstyles';
    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed_viewtype WHERE blocktype='multipleintelligences';

  3. Delete all lines from table blocktype_installed_category, which contain learningstyles or multipleintelligences. Use appropriate SQL sentences:

    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed_category WHERE blocktype='learningstyles';
    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed_category WHERE blocktype='multipleintelligences';

  4. Delete all lines from table blocktype_installed, which contain learningstyles or multipleintelligences. Use appropriate SQL sentences:

    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed WHERE name='learningstyles';
    DELETE FROM blocktype_installed WHERE name='multipleintelligences';

  5. Delete all lines from table artefact, which contain learningstyles or multipleintelligences. Use appropriate SQL sentences:

    DELETE FROM artefact WHERE artefacttype='multipleintelligences';
    DELETE FROM artefact WHERE artefacttype='learningstyles';

  6. Delete all lines from table artefact_installed_type, which contain learning. Use appropriate SQL sentence:

    DELETE FROM artefact_installed_type WHERE plugin='learning';

  7. Delete all lines from table artefact_installed, which contain learning. Use appropriate SQL sentence:

    DELETE FROM artefact_installed WHERE name='learning';

All this can be also acomplished just by using SQLyog or similar GUI - please see the attached pictures below.

Sorry, I don't know any GUI to use with PostgreSQL (since I don't use it).


  • Artefact.png
  • Artefact installed.png
  • Artefact installed type.png
  • Blocktype installed.png
  • Blocktype installed category.png
  • Blocktype installed viewtype.png