
Testing/Manual testing/Dashboard: Difference between revisions

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< Testing
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<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
:::'''Scenario:''' User should see correct page styling
:::'''Manual Test Scenario:''' User should see correct page styling
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| style="float:right; margin-left: 10px;"
|[[File:Raw_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png|thumb|200px|Raw Theme]]
|[[File:Primary_school_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png|thumb|200px|Primary School Theme]]
|[[File:Ocean_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png|thumb|200px|Ocean Theme]]
|[[File:Modern_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png|thumb|200px|Modern Theme]]
::::'''Given''' user is logged in <br />
::::'''Given''' user is logged in <br />
::::'''Then''' user should be on "Dashboard" page<br />
::::'''Then''' user should be on "Dashboard" page<br />
::::'''And''' user should see "Raw" theme colours <br />Raw_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png
::::'''And''' user should see "Raw" theme colours <br />Raw_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png <span style="color:red">Compare the page with the screenshots above for correct theme colours</span>
::::'''Then''' automation script take screenshot
::::'''Then''' automation script take screenshot
::::'''And''' save the file in "Local folder"
::::'''And''' save the file in "Local folder"
Line 192: Line 205:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<span style="color:red">TODO: Create step definition to populate DB with 60 messages</span>
<span style="color:red">TODO: Create step definition to populate DB with 60 messages</span>
::::'''Given''' the following "60""Messages" exist:  
::::'''Given''' the following "60""Messages" exist:  
::::::| |  |
::::::| |  |
Line 253: Line 264:
   <div class="mw-collapsible-content">
   <div class="mw-collapsible-content">

{| style="float:right; margin-left: 10px;"
File:User_Menu_04_04_18_09-25-22.png|thumb|User menu
File:Admin_menu_04_04_18_09-26-21.png|thumb|Admin menu
|[[File:User_Menu_04_04_18_09-25-22.png|thumb|200px|Login Block Ocean theme]]
File:Main_menu_04_04_18_09-27-44.png|thumb|Main menu
|[[File:Admin_menu_04_04_18_09-26-21.png|thumb|200px|Login Block Modern theme]]
|[[File:Main_menu_04_04_18_09-27-44.png|thumb|200px|Login Block Primary school theme]]

# '''Visual check''' main navigation
# '''Visual check''' main navigation
## '''Profile image''' - silhouette by default and is apart of the user menu
## '''Profile image''' - silhouette by default and is apart of the user menu
## '''User menu''' - The user menu is visible to all users. It allows you to acces your account settings, inbox, and profile easily.
## '''User menu''' - The user menu is visible to all users. It allows you to acces your account settings, inbox, and profile easily.
### '''<name> User'''
### '''Settings'''
#### '''Settings'''
#### '''Legal'''
#### '''Notifications'''
### '''Messages counter'''
### '''Logout''
## '''Administration menu''' - if you have access to administration functionality, you see a second menu, the administration menu.
## '''Administration menu''' - if you have access to administration functionality, you see a second menu, the administration menu.
### '''Admin home'''
{{Collapsible list
| title = ### '''Configure site'''
|#### Site options
|#### Static pages
|#### Legal
|#### Menus
|#### Networking
|#### Licenses
|#### Pages and collections
|#### Journals
|#### Share
|#### Skins
|#### Fonts
|#### Files
|#### Cookie Consent
### '''Users'''
### '''Groups(Administer groups)'''
### '''Institution'''s
### '''Reports'''
### '''Extensions'''
### '''Web services'''
## '''Main menu''' - is visible to all users and allows everyone to navigate to their content, portfolios, and groups.
## '''Main menu''' - is visible to all users and allows everyone to navigate to their content, portfolios, and groups.

Revision as of 08:00, 6 April 2018

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3. Dashboard

To test this page it is assumed that a fresh install of Mahara has taken place and user sets "Password" and "email" for the initial login. It is also assumed that there is a fresh database with no data. For more information of the dashboard please see Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3. Dashboard. This page will have screenshots of pages using the "Raw" theme. Other themes will need to be tested but will have to be set by the Site admin in the Site settings panel found here Admin menu > Configure site > Site options > Site settings

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.1 Login

Things to test for Manually

Login Block Ocean theme
Login Block Modern theme
Login Block Primary school theme
Login Block Raw theme
  1. Visual check
    1. Login page uses correct colour "Raw" TODO: We need to find a way to toggle this easily
    2. header elements displayed
      1. Mahara logo displayed -top left of page
      2. Search bar displayed
      3. navigation menus displayed - User menu, Administration menu and Main menu
    3. Static Welcome Page title h1 displayed
    4. Text "Edit this text via "Administration menu" → "Configure site" → "Static pages"." is displayed with link to "Static pages" page
    5. Clicking "Static pages" link - takes user to a Log in to Mahara page with only the Login Block displayed
    6. Static "Quick links" displayed but link functionality suppressed until user logs in
    7. buttons displayed "Login"
    8. fields displayed "Username" & "Password"
    9. Links displayed "Register" & "Lost username / password"
    10. footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
  2. User invalid login- user should see an error message and will not be logged in
  3. User valid login- user should be logged in and and redirected to the Dashboard page
  4. "Registration" link is displayed and functioning
  5. "Lost username / password" link is displayed and functioning

Test script scenarios

Manual Test Scenario: User should see correct page styling
Given user is logged in
When is on the "Mahara homepage"
Then user should see "Raw" theme colours - Compare the page with the screenshots above for correct theme colours
Scenario: User invalid login
Existing Behat automated test - /test/behat/features/settings/loginattempts.feature - Scenario: Too many bad password attempts
Manual Test Scenario: "Registration" links to "Registration" page
New user Thank you
New user version
Admin version
Given I am on homepage
When I follow "Register"
And I fill in the following:
| First name | Lightening |
| Last name | McQueen |
| Email address | [email protected] |
| Registration reason | I will absolutely make this institution more amazing!! |
And I press "Send request"
Then I should see "You should receive an email shortly with a link that you can use to change the password for your account."
And email is recieved - this requires a manual inspection of email address to ensure email was sent and is correct
Existing Behat automated test - /test/behat/features/settings/register_configuration.feature - Scenario: Registering as a new student and checking switch can flick back and forth (Bug 1431569)
Manual Test Scenario: User clicks "Lost username / password" to receive an email to log into site
Reset Email Instructions
Given I am on homepage
When I follow "Lost username / password"
And I fill in "Email address or username" with "UserA"
And I press "Send request"
Then I should see "You should receive an email shortly with a link that you can use to change the password for your account."
And email is recieved - this requires a manual inspection of email address to ensure email was sent and is correct

NOTE: Existing Behat automated test - /test/behat/features/settings/logginattempts.feature - Scenario: Asking for a username reminder (Bug 1460911)

Scenario: User valid login
Existing Behat automated test - /test/behat/features/settings/logginattempts.feature -Scenario: Student can't change password to anything on suckypasswords list (Bug #844457)

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.2 Login with strict privacy

Things to test for Manually


Test script scenarios


This is where Automated test scenarios go

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.3 Overview page

Things to test for Manually

Raw Theme
Primary School Theme
Ocean Theme
Modern Theme
  1. Visual check
    1. Login page uses correct colour "Raw"
    2. header elements displayed
    3. Welcome Page title h1 displayed
    4. Text "Edit this text via "Administration menu" → "Configure site" → "Static pages"." is displayed with link to "Static pages" page
    5. "Quick links" block is displayed with correct links to respective pages
    6. user info block displayed
    7. online users block displayed
    8. Latest changes I can view block displayed
    9. My portfolios block displayed
    10. Inbox block displayed
    11. Topics I am following block displayed
    12. Watched pages block displayed
    13. footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
  2. Change page "Layout" functionality works
  3. Change page "Skin" functionality works
  4. Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
  5. Page links working Tester can use Chrome extension Link Checker or dev tools to determine "200 code return"

Test script scenarios

Manual Test Scenario: User should see correct page styling
Raw Theme
Primary School Theme
Ocean Theme
Modern Theme
Given user is logged in
Then user should be on "Dashboard" page
And user should see "Raw" theme colours
Raw_theme_-_Dashboard_-_Mahara_-_04_-_04_-_2018.png Compare the page with the screenshots above for correct theme colours
Then automation script take screenshot
And save the file in "Local folder"

Scenario: User click "More" link to see more messages

TODO: Create step definition to populate DB with 60 messages

Given the following "60""Messages" exist:
| | |
Given user is logged in
When user is on the "Dashboard"
Then user should see "Inbox" block
When I follow "More"
And I select 10 from Results per page:
Then I should be on "Notifications" page
And I should see 10 messages displayed
And I should see pagination
Scenario: User changes Page layout from 2 column to 3 column layout
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User changes the page skin from default "Raw" pre-made site skin
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User adds block to page, edits new block and deletes block from page
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen
Scenario: User wants to do something
Given Some preconditions
When user performs some action
Then Something should happen

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.4. Navigation

Things to test for Manually

Login Block Ocean theme
Login Block Modern theme
Login Block Primary school theme
  1. Visual check main navigation
    1. Profile image - silhouette by default and is apart of the user menu
    2. User menu - The user menu is visible to all users. It allows you to acces your account settings, inbox, and profile easily.
      1. <name> User
      2. Settings
        1. Settings
        2. Legal
        3. Notifications
      3. Messages counter
      4. 'Logout
    3. Administration menu - if you have access to administration functionality, you see a second menu, the administration menu.
      1. Admin home

      1. Users
      2. Groups(Administer groups)
      3. Institutions
      4. Reports
      5. Extensions
      6. Web services
    1. Main menu - is visible to all users and allows everyone to navigate to their content, portfolios, and groups.

Test script scenarios


This is where Automated test scenarios go

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.5. Quick links

Things to test for Manually

  1. Visual check three new boxes with quick links displayed
    1. Create (Develop your Portfolio)
    2. Share (Control your privacy)
    3. Engage (find people and join groups
  2. hover state functionality
  3. Verify links redirect to their respective pages
    1. Create = Pages and collections page
    2. Share = Share page
    3. Engage = Find groups page
  4. Hide information box - link to remove block

NOTE: This block will look very different depending on the theme used

Test script scenarios


This is where Automated test scenarios go

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.6. User-specific information

Things to test for Manually

  1. Visual check default blocks in main content area on Dashboard page
    1. Latest changes I can view - No pages or collections.
    2. My portfolios - blank
    3. Inbox - No messages
    4. Topics I’m following - No messages
    5. Watched pages - There are no pages on your watchlist.
  2. Edit Dashboard tab is displayed and links to "Admin User's dashboard | Edit" page

NOTE: These blocks will be empty but will be filled with content once you start using Mahara and create pages, receive messages from other users, have access to others’ portfolio pages and use the forums for discussions

Test script scenarios


This is where Automated test scenarios go

Mahara 18.04 user manual section 3.7. Footer

Things to test for Manually

  1. Visual check footer has theme styling
    1. Mahara footer logo is displayed
  2. Links displayed in footer
    1. Legal = Legal page
    2. About = About page
    3. Contact us = Contact us page
    4. Help = Mahara 18.04 user manual

NOTE: The site administrator can decide in the configuration of the footer whether to display the links “Legal”, “About us”, “Contact us”, and “Help”

Test script scenarios


This is where Automated test scenarios go