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再作成中です - mits
このドキュメントは、Maharaを改善する方法として、私たちが確認した主要な部分に関してリストアップしています。現在、ロードマップは、レビューおよび改善中です。ですから、ロードマップの適切なWikiページまたはRoadmap & Fundingフォーラムに自由にコメントしてください。
このロードマップのページまたはコメントページに新しい機能を提案しないでください - 代わりにRoadmap & Fundingフォーラムをお使いください。
Mahara 1.4
以下のページでは、さらに議論するためのフォーラムトピックのリンクを含めて、Wikiトピックに関して詳細説明 (英語) が記述されています。
Mahara 1.3
Mahara 1.3では以下の新しい機能が実装されます:
- ナビゲーションの簡略化
- Gravatarサポート support
- パブリックブログのRSSフィード
- 着脱可能なスパム対策システム
- ビューテーマ
- Eメール宛先不明処理
- Moodle 2.0ポートフォリオAPIサポート
- ビュー/アーティファクト フィードバック機能強化
- 管理エリアの統計情報
- 新しいブロックタイプ: 通知、最近修正されたビュー、フォーラムの最近の投稿
- 設定可能なフォーラム投稿のインデント
- パーソナルダッシュボード
以下のリスト詳細はMaharaに実装される機能です。記載されている順番に特別の意味はありません。これらの機能が実装される順番も指定されていません。実装される順番はMaharaプロジェクトに対する財政的支援に依存します。恐らく、あなたも協力することができます! 財政的支援により機能実装の時期が早くなります。またそのことにより、Maharaの動作およびアーキテクチャに対して、あなたの影響を及ぼすことができます。あなたが財政的にMaharaプロジェクトを支援したい場合、ロードマップおよび財政的支援 (Roadmap & Funding) フォーラム内の適切なスレッドにその旨を投稿してください。
A few ideas for the improvement of groups include Group Blogs and the ability for people to mass-add or mass-invite users to Controlled/Invite groups.
ブログ (日誌)
Blogs can be improved in several ways, including adding commenting to blogs and importing blogs into Mahara via RSS.
More information about the Blogs roadmap item...
There are many things we could do to the View interface, such as improvements to View feedback (editing/deleting feedback), PDF generation, password access, theming support, multipage Views (in effect - 'websites'), categorisation of views (& even setting access for groups of views) and more.
More information about the Views roadmap item...
Mahara's Resume plugin provides simple Resume building functionality, but with some effort we can add many new features to it, such as custom fields, Europass CV support, PDF generation and more.
More information about the Resume roadmap item...
Tagging & Searching
Mahara allows the input of tags on many artefacts, and on Views, but does not provide useful ways to search and visualise these tags. In addition, the ability to search both your things and others' things they have made available to you is limited. There are many improvements we could make in these areas.
Stats & Reporting
Currently there is no way to visualise the kinds of activity taking place on a Mahara installation. While Mahara is user-centred, meaning that it's unlikely we would add the ability to track users right down to the pages they visited, there is definitely scope to add aggregated reports of site activity, such as popular Views, user growth over time, etc.
Moodle/Mahara Integration
Integration with Moodle is one of the great features of Mahara, and there are so many ways we can build upon the framework in place. Some ideas include linking the two for assessment purposes, automatically creating Mahara Groups to match Moodle Courses, import of content from Moodle and using Moodle's repository API to allow users to use their Mahara resources within Moodle.
Mahara's messaging system is simplistic. With some thought, we could come up with a system that allows users to send and recieve all sorts of messages through any medium they choose. Users could respond to forum posts by e-mail, take photos with their camera and send them straight to their file repository or blog through jabber.
More information about the Messaging roadmap item...
Improvements for School Usage
We've gathered some feedback from people either using or intending to use Mahara within a school setting (both "secondary" - 11-17 years - and "primary" - 5-10). As well as theming and wording issues (there is some overlap with usability here), common themes include having more control over the social networking side of the system and ways to get parents involved.
This covers not just the installer/upgrader, but the processes surrounding both. The current installer is adequate for now, though there are a few things we could do to take it to the next level.
Customising the Interface
Easier installation and customisation of language packs, giving the user the ability to choose their theme...