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作成中です - mits (talk)





Mahara内のコンテンツの基本的な単位はアーティファクトと呼ばれます。ブログ記事およびブログ、ファイル、プロファイル情報等、すべてのものはアーティファクトと言えます。アーティファクトプラグインによりシステムにさらに機能を追加することができる点において最も興味深いプラグインタイプの1つと言えます。あなたが「私はシステムにXを追加したいと思います」 (XはWiki、カレンダー、投票等) と考える場合、そのためのアーティファクトプラグインを開発してください。

アーティファクトはユーザ、グループ、インスティテューションまたはサイト自体に属します。いくつかのアーティファクトはこれらの中の1つのコンテクストで意味を成しますが、他では意味を成しません。例えばユーザがWikiを持つことは意味を成しませんが (意味を成すことがあるかもしれませんが)、グループがWikiを持つことは意味を成します。

グループ Groups

Maharaではユーザがアドホック (ad-hoc) グループを作成できます。グループは様々なユーザが参加して共同して特定のトピックを議論できるMahara内の場所です。あなたがFacebookユーザである場合、正に同じ概念である「Facebookグループ」を考えてください。Various aspects of a group's behaviour can be configured using a grouptype plugin. Mahara ships with standard and course groups - the latter designed to group students, tutors and teachers in one formal place.

ページ (ビュー) Views

The Views framework provides one of Mahara's most powerful concepts. It allows users to quickly build pages combining both their own personal artefacts with other information from outside the system, and also gives users precise control over who can see those pages when. It provides a page builder which allows users to quickly pull together content for display using drag and drop.

The blocktype plugin type provides the ability to add different types of blocks that can be added to a View. Therefore, this is also a very interesting plugin type. Mahara ships with nearly 20 block types, and they're one of the smaller APIs to deal with, making creating new ones easy. Blocktypes can either use artefacts, or simply drag in content from outside the system. The ones that use artefacts are provided along with the artefact plugins themselves normally, making blocktypes the only plugin type that can be nested within another plugin.

Mahara ships with blocks to pull in video, RSS feeds and add blocks of text. In addition, each artefact plugin has blocktypes for its content - for example, the blog plugin has blocktypes for both inserting a blog and a blog post into a View.

インスティテューション Institutions

One of Mahara's goals is to make it as easy as possible for users to interact across boundaries such as schools. As such, Mahara is designed so that an entire set of schools or institutions can use the one instance, and have all of their users work together. However, this can add challenges for support - it's desirable if one school has control over its users and can provide first level support for them. So Mahara supports the concept of institutions. They have their own administrators, themes and authentication mechanisms, and the administrators can perform basic actions such as resetting their users' passwords. This scales out all the way to a national level - the MyPortfolio service in New Zealand provides one Mahara for all schools and another for all universities across New Zealand.

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Next: Core Subsystems

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