

From Mahara Wiki

Revision as of 11:07, 5 June 2015 by Aaronw (talk | contribs)

Mahara is developed by a world-wide team of programmers, translators, designers and enthusiastic amateurs. Many individuals and groups have contributed to Mahara so far.

Core Teams


Security researchers

Mahara code

This is a list of security researchers that have contributed to Mahara. These people have followed the responsible disclosure practise after finding security vulnerabilities in the Mahara codebase.

Mahara project infrastructure

This second list is of security researchers who have found security issues with the infrastructure of the Mahara project which can include all the websites (,,,,,,, the servers that host those websites, and any auxillary tools (such as launchpad for bug tracking, for git hosting).


A large part of the development on Mahara would not be possible without the funding from institutions and organizations.

Mahara 15.10 (not yet released)

Mahara 15.04

AU-logo.png CatalystLogo_300x55.png Logo_hbk_schwarz_430x90.jpg ICampus21_logo_2014_small.png Lu_logo_small.png Liip_logo.png Nyit_logo.png moe-logo.gif logo.png university-of-canberra-logo-stacked.png Totara_logo_95px.png Logo-udem.gif Ual_logo.png Kit_logo_V2_de.png

Mahara 1.10

Arnes_logo_92.png CatalystLogo_300x55.png Kit_logo_V2_de.png ICampus21_logo_2014_small.png Lu_logo_small.png moe-logo.gif Pratt_logo.png logo.png university-of-canberra-logo-stacked.png Totara_logo_95px.png

Mahara 1.9

Arnes_logo_92.png CatalystLogo_300x55.png Kit_logo_V2_de.png logo.png Lu_logo_small.png Liip_logo.png Nyit_logo.png moe-logo.gif Pai_logo.png logo.png TC_logo.jpg Totara_logo_95px.png Ual_logo.png

Mahara 1.8

Arnes_logo_92.png CatalystLogo_300x55.png Forth-valley-college.png Icampus21-logo-small.png Lu_logo_small.png logo.png moe-logo.gif TC_logo.jpg Ucsf_logo.png Ual_logo.png

Mahara 1.7

CatalystLogo_300x55.png logo.png edu-one-logo.png Lu_logo_small.png Liip_logo.png logo.png Mozilla_wordmark_small.png

Mahara 1.6

site-logo.png CatalystLogo_300x55.png moe-logo.gif Plane_logo.png university-of-canberra-logo-stacked.png Ual_logo.png logo.png Lu_logo_small.png Solent_logo_200w.jpg

Mahara 1.5

Pre Mahara 1.5

The University of Glasgow have funded several pieces of work for us, including View Templates, part of Import/Export (the HTML export is thanks to them), and various bug fixes.

GLISI/Ray Merrill funded enhancements to Mahara's groups, and Ray has provided much invaluable guidance around Mahara's usability.

With JISC funding we were able to add import/export functionality to the Mahara e-portfolio system, as part of the 1.2 release. This work was sponsored by the University of London Computer Centre, University of Glasgow and JISC Cetis.

A collaborative group in the State of New Hampshire funded the ability to submit Mahara Views for assessment in Moodle, through a grant from the New Hampshire Department of Education.

Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine sponsored the development of the plugin Problems & Conditions.

The BScE at the University of Luxembourg funded the development of the tag cloud, improvements to the feedback function in the 1.2 and 1.3 releases, and bug fixes for Mac servers.

Birmingham City University funded the initial development work for Collections and Plans (new features in Mahara 1.3). They also supported the development of locking down blog posts and files that are used in submitted views.

Lancaster University Network Services (LUNS Ltd.) was funded by Cumbria and Lancashire Education Online (CLEO) to design several features.

The New Zealand Ministry of Education funded a large number of features and usability changes to Mahara 1.4 and 1.5 that were implemented by Catalyst IT