
Community resources/Mahara Presentations/2011

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Mahara presentations

Many people present about / demo Mahara at conferences around the world. On this page we want to collect all these presentations to have them in a central place for quick reference. Please feel free to add your presentation on the respective page for the year.

2007-2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

The presentations for 2011 are ordered chronologically and as much information as possible is provided for them.

File format(s)
Web pages with Video, Audio and Pictures Using Mahara Chris Wherley

East Central Illinois Technology Conference

Eastern Illinois University, IL, USA 11 February 2011 English
Mahara: Social Networking and ePortfolios Without Facebook Jeffrey L. Jones, Fayette County Schools, Lexington, KY Ky Society for Technology in Education (KySTE) Conference Louisville, KY, USA Feb. 28-March 2, 2011 English GPL

PPT, Word, PDF

PK-12 educational use, district-hosted Mahoodle install

Career Portfolio Manitoba

Don Presant

Spring Conference of the Adult Secondary Education Council

Winipeg, CA 4 March 2011 English All rights reserved Slideshare includes audio track
Using Mahara for Reflective Practice & Feedback

Gordon McLeod,

Scottish Moodle User Group Glasgow, Scotland 11th March 2011 English
Innovative Curriculum Design: Using Eportfolios to Change Practice and Process David M. Kennedy

Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011

Melbourne, AU 29 March 2011 English

Creating  an ePortfolio with Mahara

Kristina D.C. Hoeppner

Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011

Melbourne, AU 30 March 2011 English CC BY-SA

Slideshare, recording

Academic Perspective on Enhancing ePortfolio Systems to Better Support Lifelong Learning in Universities Yuliya Bozhko

Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011

Melbourne, AU 31 March 2011 English

Mahara: The Journey From Pilot to University-Wide ePortfolio

Linda Anstendig and Beth Klingner

Webinar New York, NY 7 April 2011 English PowerPoint

Chats and Blogs: Much ado about collaborative learning

Fiona Burns

IFTE Conference 2011

University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ 19 April 2011 English

workshop; video with student voices who use MyPortfolio that is built on Mahara

Concept Map-based framework for learner-centered knowledge management in ePortfolios

Yuliya Bozhko


Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ 19 April 2011 English
Moodle and Mahara: LMS goes PLE Sigi Jakob-Kühn

iMoot 2011

online 30 April & 3 May 2011 English online presentation

Using Mahara for your ePortfolio: New features in version 1.4

Kristina D.C. Hoeppner

iMoot 2011

online 1 & 3 May 2011 English CC BY-SA


online presentation
Moodle 2 and Mahara: Integration of portfolio into the learning process Julian Ridden

iMoot 2011

online 1 May 2011 English online presentation
Career Portfolio Manitoba Don Presant

iMoot 2011

online 1 & 3 May 2011 English online presentation

Hands-on Mahara ePortfolio

Don Presant

Moodlemoot Canada 2011

Edmonton, CA 4 May 2011 English workshop

Career Portfolio Manitoba: Mahoodle ePortfolio for Employability

Don Presant

Moodlemoot Canada 2011

Edmonton, CA 4 May 2011 English

Career Portfolio Manitoba

Don Presant

MADLaT 2011

Winnipeg 6 May 2011 English
How Mahara code revision works Ruslan Kabalin MaharaUK 11 - Technical Workshop Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 21 June 2011 English Slideshare
Open for Learning (Keynote) Mark Osborne MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
21 3/4 ways to get involved in Mahara Kristina D.C. Hoeppner MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English CC BY-SA Slideshare, recording
E-Portfolios: Expanding in a Shrinking Landscape Phillip Butler MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Feel-Good Mahara: Building confidence and pride in under 14s Mary Cooch MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
New plugins for Mahara: Mind maps, molecular visualisation, and continuing professional development Geoffrey Rowland MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
If you build it they will come: institution-wide implementation of Mahara Daniel Clark & Steve Bailey MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Personalizing Mahara views with custom skins Gregor Anželj MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Mahara 1.4 and the Community Roadmap (Keynote) David Drummond MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Totara LMS & Mahara integration Thomas W Bell MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Community-based learning based on Mahara Don Presant MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Developing Professionalism in Placement Learning: Using Mahara to Improve Student, Staff and Employer Interaction Kristie Coolin MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Scaling Mahara for large installations Andrew Nicols MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English
Addressing Employability - Making the interoperable integrated Sam Moss & Barbara Lee MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English Mahara View
Mahara isolated institutions Ruslan Kabalin MaharaUK 11 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK 22 June 2011 English Slideshare
Introduction aux ePortfolio, Interconnection entre Mahara et Moodle, Gestion des ePortfolios dans Moodle 2 Dominique-Alain Jan MoodleMoot FR-11 Hammamet, Tunisia 27-30 June 2011 French CC BY-SA
ePortfolios: Gathering, hunting and reflecting online Kristina D.C. Hoeppner Shar-E-Fest 2011 Wintec, Hamilton, NZ 12 July 2011 English CC BY-SA Slideshare, Recording
A case of institutional PLE: integration of VLE and e-portfolio for students Jesús Salinas, Victoria Marín and Catalina Escandell PLE Conference 2011 Southampton, UK 12 July 2011 English Paper
Career Portfolio Manitoba: Community-based ePortfolio for Adult Employability Don Presant ePIC 2011 London, UK 13 July 2011 English Slideshare
MyPortfolio: New features Kristina D.C. Hoeppner MoodleMoot NZ 2011 Unitec, Auckland, NZ 28 July 2011 English CC BY-SA Slideshare with recording This is an outlook of a number of Mahara 1.5 features
Mighty Mahara!? The role of self/organized EFL-learning/teaching within the context of Mahara ePortfolio Thomas Strasser EuroCALL 2011 Nottingham, UK 2 September 2011 English
PDP and e-portfolios: How does it all hold together? Daniel Clark ALT-C 2011 University of Leeds, UK 6 September 2011 English
Einführung von Mahara als Testlauf in der Ricarda-Huch-Schule Thorsten Gross 5 October 2011 German
Implementing eportfolios at Challenger Institute of Technology Annelieske Noteboom and Christine Cooper ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 17 October 2011 English
ePIE feats and failures: Opportunities and challenges for ePortfolio implementation for career and professional development in remote education workforces Alicia Boyle ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 17 October 2011 English the use of Mahara to support professional development in remote communities
GPS Learning Pathways: 3600 students using eportfolios in five weeks Pauline Farrell and Julianne Seaman ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 17 October 2011 English presenting an integrated learning pathway program using Moodle and Mahara
Implementing mentoring circles in an MBA program with Mahara Stuart Dinmore ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 17 October 2011 English
Nursing assessment for learning Roger Stack ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 17 October 2011 English
Student attitudes towards the use of ePortfolios: Experiences from the University of the South Pacific Javed Yusuf and Pita Tuisawau ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 18 October 2011 English
Beyond the ‘Mahara and Regional RPL’ E-portfolio Implementation Trial 2010 Angela Garbin, Kathryn Thomson and Lilian Primerano ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 18 October 2011 English
Lessons learnt — implementing e-portfolios into VET staff training Ray Tuckey ePortfolios Australia Conference 2011 Perth, AUS 18 October 2011 English
Mahara, el portafolis de les antípodes Joan Queralt Gil Jornada Som-hi! Ins.Lluís de Peguera, Manresa, Spain 22 October 2011 Català Slideshare Una revisió ràpida sobre els portafolis i com els fa Mahara.
Weaving Employability into the Curriculum Samantha Moss JISC RSC SE eLearning Fair Chichester College, UK 27 October 2011 English A quick look at how lecturers and students are using Mahara to support PDP & CPD
Creating e-portfolios to organize, reflect on, publish, and promote your life as an environmental science and policy professional MaryAnn McGarry Center For The Environment Brown Bag Seminar Plymouth State University 1 November 2011 English Slideshare Introducing colleagues to Mahara
Mahara 1.5: Die Zukunft ist nah Kristina D.C. Hoeppner Internationaler Workshop ePortfolios in Studium und Lehre recorded for Freiburg, Germany 18 November 2011 German CC BY-SA Slideshare and YouTube Recorded pecha kucha presentation about upcoming features in Mahara 1.5
The ePortfolio landscape Christine Cooper and Annelieske Noteboom Australia November 2011 English
Mahara: Enabling and maintaining a PLN Kristina D.C. Hoeppner and Ellen Marie Murphy ePortfolio Technologies Webinar Series online 7 December 2011 English CC BY-SA Slideshare and Recording Recorded webinar introducing Mahara
