Developer Area/Developer Meetings/76
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Agenda for the 76th Mahara developer meeting on Monday, 9 December 2019, 7:00 UTC
We will meet using Meet.Catalyst (a Catalyst staff member will initiate the call).
Our #mahara-dev channel on Freenode IRC will be our backup or in case there are problems with the web conferencing tool and we'll need to chat to resolve it. If you don't have an IRC client, you can join us using your web browser.
- Chair: Rebecca Blundell
- Minute taker: Robert Lyon
- Items from the last meeting
- Gregor to create bug report around the issue he encountered exporting users from one instance and importing them into another
- Catalyst looking at possibilities of posting audio recordings of meetings online
- Peter using Docker with Selenium to run Behat tests
- Peter testing of trigger patches
- Guillaume: Share plugin documentation with the Catalyst team for review. Best to send it to
- Kristina: Ask Cecilia what happens during export when page hasn't been converted yet
- Mahara 20.04
- Next meeting and chair
- Any other business
- Ghada El-Zoghbi from Catalyst IT Australia in Sydney
- Lisa Seeto from Catalyst IT in Wellington
- Rebecca Blundell from Catalyst IT in Wellington (meeting chair)
- Robert Lyon from Catalyst IT in Wellington (minute taker)
- Cecilia Vela Gurovic from Catalyst IT in Wellington
- Gregor Anzelj, Computer Science teacher, Mahara community member working on isolated institutions and portfolio moderation, Slovenia, Europe
- Doris Tam from Catalyst IT in Wellington
Topics from the last meeting
Gregor to create bug report around the issue he encountered exporting users from one instance and importing them into another
- Gregor created the bug report with an explanation of the problems he encountered
Catalyst looking at possibilities of posting audio recordings of meetings online
- Robert attempted to record the meeting but failed to get his system recording the outputted sound
Peter: not present at meeting to report on things Kristina: not present at meeting
Mahara 20.04 roadmap
Talked on some of the features we wish to get into the 20.04 release, including
- Moderations - Gregor mentioned there is still some work to go and that he will discuss via email next week
- SAML choose new institution via IdP - Robert explained what this was and that the work is now in reviews
- Group labels - Robert explained how this was a tagging like feature to help filter groups a user is in
- PDF export - This is done but Robert mentioned that using the Chromium export to PDF feature is slow
- Fixes for json editor - Cecilia mentioned she will be working on this
- Unifying exports - Lisa has begun this work to make the exporting of portfolios more streamlined
- Skins fixes - Lisa said there are some skins related changes that need to be done
- Rework Mahara mobile - Doris is remaking the mobile app in react native and refactoring code to make it more "industry standard" and have pending upload screen have more functionality. She hopes to have things, like audio recording in mobile, ready soon.
Next meeting and chair
Chair: Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Minutes: Doris Tam
Any other business
The ongoing need to keep Mahara compatible with latest versions of OS / SQL /PHP
Need to fix up isolated institutions compatibility with elasticsearch