
Developer Area/Import//Export/LEAP Export/File Artefact Plugin

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< Developer Area‎ | Import//Export‎ | LEAP Export

The file artefact plugin hooks into the LEAP export system to export files, folders, images and profile icons (which are technically treated differently to images in Mahara). This plugin just overrides LeapExportElement for the file, folder, image and profileicon artefact types.

Files & Images

These are exported as LEAP2A resources of resource_type:Offline, with the following customisations:

  • Anything the file is attached to is added as a link of type is_attachment_of (this is subject to change - is_attachment_of is not a valid LEAP2A relationship)
  • The file is always exported out of line, even if it has an html or xhtml content type

Profile Icons

These are exported exactly how Files & Images are exported, with the addition of one link of type related to the persondata element for the export, to signify that it is a profile icon. This convention was agreed on by the mailing list, but isn't part of the standard. It's likely a future version of the LEAP2A standard will add a 'depicts'/'is_depiction_of' relationship to assist with this.


These are exported as LEAP2A selections of selection_type:Folder.