
Developer Area/Import//Export/LEAP Export/Resume Artefact Plugin

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< Developer Area‎ | Import//Export‎ | LEAP Export

The resume artefact plugin hooks into the LEAP export system to export all resume related artefacts. This plugin overrides LeapExportElement for most of the artefacts, however some need to be broken into two or more entries, thus there are some extra classes to handle this.

WYWISYG Fields: Skills and Goals, Interests, Cover Letter

These are exported as LEAP2A entries, except for skills which are exported as abilities.

Contact Information

This is deliberately skipped from the export - in Mahara, this information is duplicated from the profile area, so doesn't need to be exported again.

Personal Information

This information is sent to the internal artefact plugin for exporting, using inject_persondata.

Composites: Books, Education, Employment, Certifications, Memberships

These are exported as LEAP2A selections, with multiple extra entries required to export the actual data.

The LeapExportElementResumeComposite class represents one of these composites (e.g. all the books, all the education history), while the LeapExportElementResumeCompositeChild class represents one item inside the composite (e.g. one book). Both classes are extended as required, though the behaviour for the composites themselves is identical.

Those two classes alone are enough to represent parents and children on their own, but some children need to be broken up into more than one entry. The LeapExportElementResumeCompositeChildWithSiblings class provides this functionality, and the LeapExportElementResumeCompositeSibling class represents an individual sibling.

As an example, consider employment history. This plugin will generate one selection called "Employment History", and two entries per each history item the user has put in place. One is an activity representing the actual history (e.g. "worked 2005 to 2008 loading Widgets onto a truck"), and one represents the organisation where the work took place (e.g. "Widgets Inc"). Visually:

    • <2005-2008, loading widgets onto a truck>,
    • <2003-2005, flipping burgers>,

Each thing in angle brackets is an entry. Hover over them to see what class they are. The last two lines together are managed by a LeapExportElementResumeCompositeChildWithSiblings object.

This can all be a bit hard to follow - hopefully, between this and the code itself, you can gain a picture of what is going on!

Further Information