Testing Area/Manual regression testing
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< Testing Area
Manual regression testing
This page outlines the manual regression testing for Mahara releases (6 monthly; YY.04 and YY.10).
Automated (unit and Behat) and manual testing is performed during the release development period for each Launchpad/Gerrit item prior to its merge into the master branch (see Manual item testing in this page's parent page). Regression testing is then performed upon the release candidate prior to its actual go-live. This page contains an overview of the manual regression testing i.e. coverage of main functionality, such as email interaction, that is not being addressed by automated testing. It also provides a record of main screen presentations.
Manual Regression Testing Preconditions
For manual regression testing it is assumed that:
- a fresh install of Mahara has taken place and "Password" and "email" are set for the initial Site admin login
- there is a fresh database with no data
- Mahara emails have been set to be delivered to an inbox the tester has access to (via config.php & see next point's 'Site settings')
- the theme will be (re-)set by the Site admin in Admin menu > Configure site > Site options > Site settings
- at least one account (named PersonA) other than the Site admin account is active (via manual individual account add or csv file account creation)
- the default browser (used to take the actual result screen shots) is currently Chrome running on a Windows10 (virtual) machine
- other test platforms include Win10-Edge and Win10-Firefox (OSx-Safari & Android-Chrome if time permits)
- the latest stable browser versions are used.
Manual Regression Testing Scenarios
Manual test scenarios for LogIn and Logged Out (Homepage) pages
- Homepage Scenario 1: Mahara "Homepage" (log in page) content and styling is correct.
- Homepage Scenario 2: PersonA can successfully reset their Mahara password.
- Given PersonA is on the "homepage"
- When PersonA follows "Lost username / password"
- And PersonA fills in "Email address or username" with "PersonA"
- And PersonA presses "Send request"
- Then PersonA should see "You should receive an email shortly with a link that you can use to change the password for your account."
- And an email is received - manually inspect inbox to ensure email was sent and is correct.
- When PersonA follows "Email confirmation link"
- Then PersonaA fills in "New password" with ".3Kg@4!O"
- And PersonaA fills in "Re-enter password" with ".3Kg@4!O"
- And PersonA presses "Send request"
- Then PersonA should see their Dashboard displayed
- When PersonA follows "Log out"
- Then PersonA should see the Mahara "homepage" displayed correctly
- When PersonA fills in "Username" with "PersonA"
- And PersonA fills in "Password" with ".3Kg@4!O"
- And PersonA presses "Log in"
- Then PersonA should see their Dashboard displayed
- Homepage Scenario 3: Logged out person should see correct page content and styling
- Given person has their browser open
- When person enters the correct URL for Mahara
- Then they should see the "Mahara homepage" content displayed in the correct theme colour and style.
Manual test scenarios for [default] Dashboard page
- Dashboard Scenario 1: Site admin should see correct Dashboard page content and styling
- Given Site admin has an active Mahara site administrator account
- When they successfully complete the Mahara log in process
- Then they should see correct page content and styling for the default site administrator Dashboard page.
- Dashboard Scenario 2: PersonA (non-admin) should see correct Dashboard page content and styling
- Given PersonA has an active non-administrative Mahara account
- When they successfully complete the Mahara log in process
- Then they should see correct page content and styling for the default Dashboard page.
Manual test scenarios for [default] Profile page
- Profile scenario 1: PersonA should see correct page content and styling on their default Profile page.
File:Profile-About Me-Mahara-Raw.png Raw theme |
File:Profile-About Me-Mahara-Default.png Default theme |
- Visual check
- Profile page uses correct colour "Raw"
- header elements displayed
- Static Profile Page title h1 displayed
- online users block displayed
- footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
- Change page "Layout" functionality works
- Change page "Skin" functionality works
- Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
- Page links working Tester can use Chrome extension Link Checker or dev tools to determine "200 code return"
- Profile scenario 2: Multiple Email Functionality
- Scenario: Only one email address: There should not be a delete button as the only email address cannot be deleted.
- Given user logged in
- And has one email address
- And is on the Profile > Contact information page
- When user clicks the delete icon to right of email address
- Then user should see message "You cannot remove your primary email address." displayed
- And the email address will not be deleted
- Scenario: One or more email addresses: The primary email does not have delete button. When the primary address is changed, it should receive the delete button and the now primary email address gets it removed.
- Given user logged in
- And has more than one email address
- And user has validated the email mail address
- When user is on the Profile > Contact information page
- And user has selected the second email address
- And clicks the delete icon associated with the first email in the list
- And then the first email in the list will be deleted
Manual test scenarios for Create pages
- Create Pages and Collections scenario 1 : PersonA should see correct page content and styling on their default Create 'Pages and Collections' home page
File:PortfolioOverviewDefault 18-05-18-14-29-30.png Default theme |
- Visual check
- Profile page uses correct colour "Raw"
- header elements displayed
- Static Profile Page title h1 displayed
- online users block displayed
- footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
- Change page "Layout" functionality works
- Change page "Skin" functionality works
- Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
- Page links working Tester can use Chrome extension Link Checker or dev tools to determine "200 code return"
- Create Files scenario 1: PersonA should see correct page content and styling on their default Create 'Files' home page
- Visual check
- Profile page uses correct colour "Raw"
- header elements displayed
- Static Profile Page title h1 displayed
- online users block displayed
- footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
- Change page "Layout" functionality works
- Change page "Skin" functionality works
- Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
- Page links working Tester can use Chrome extension Link Checker or dev tools to determine "200 code return"
- Create Files scenario 2: User "Quota" block updates as files are added
- Confirm that when files are added the Quota block updates and the display bar is filled in accordingly.
- Create Files scenario 3: Image files can be edited and rotated
- Preconditions:
- User has Image files loaded into Mahara
- User has document files loaded into Mahara
- Preconditions:
- Test Script:
- User browse to Main menu > Content > Files
- User edit an Image file by clicking the pencil icon to right of image file
- Confirm there is an rotate icon to right of image in the Edit file section of the page
- Click the rotate icon
- Confirm that the image preview rotates 1/4 turn to the right each time the rotate icon is clicked
- Test Script:
- Create Files scenario 3: User should be able to drag and drop files to a page for upload
- Preconditions:
- User has Image files on their local machine
- User has document files on their local machine
- Preconditions:
- Test Script:
- User browse to Main menu > Content > Files
- Confirm that there is a "Drop files here to upload" section on the page
- User open the file browser for their local machine
- User browse to a file to upload to Mahara
- using the cursor, hover over the desired file
- click and hold while draging the file to the dark grey Drag N Drop section of the Page
- release the click
- Confirm that the file is uploaded and a message is displayed as follows :Upload of <file name> complete
- Repeat the above steps for different file types that Mahara will accept (ie.. image file types jpg png, document file types docx, PDF)
- Test Script:
- Create Skins scenario 1 : PersonA should see correct page content and styling on their default Create 'Skins' home page
File:PortfolioOverviewDefault 18-05-18-14-29-30.png Default theme |
- Visual check
- Profile page uses correct colour "Raw"
- header elements displayed
- Static Profile Page title h1 displayed
- online users block displayed
- footer is displayed and links functioning correctly
- Change page "Layout" functionality works
- Change page "Skin" functionality works
- Page edit functionality works Create edit and delete page blocks
- Page links working Tester can use Chrome extension Link Checker or dev tools to determine "200 code return"
Manual test scenarios for 'Manage'
- Upload Leap2A file scenario 1: User can upload an Leap2A file
- User has a Leap2A zip file from a previous export of all of "Admin User" data.
- user has unzipped the file which should include
- files folder containing image files, document files that have been used on users's profile/portfolio
- leap2a.xml file
Test Script:
- user (someone other than admin) log in
- Browse to Main menu > Portfolio > Import
- Click the choose a file and upload the "leap2a.xml" file of the Admin User profile
- Click the import button
- Confirm you see the all the data that will be imported
- Select the information you want to ignore, append, replace or add new
- click the "Import" button
- Note that you will have to upload the files into the folders
- view the areas that you have added ie Portfolio pages
- confirm that the new pages are displayed with the content on the pages